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Erdogan addresses thousands in Erzurum rally ahead of key vote

By Newsroom
Mar 16, 2024 3:35 PM

President Erdogan emphasizes transforming Erzurum into an earthquake-resistant city during his visit, thanking supporters and urging active election participation

President and Leader of Justice and Development Party (AK Party) Recep Tayyip Erdogan pledged to transform Erzurum into a city resilient to earthquakes during his visit to the AK party’s rally ahead of local elections in Erzurum – which is located in one of Türkiye’s critical earthquake zones. 

The president also urged residents of Erzurum, particularly those in Istanbul, Ankara and Izmir, to participate actively in the elections, highlighting the collective responsibility to shape the country’s future.

President began his address by greeting the attendees and reciting lines that celebrated Erzurum’s unique spirit: “Come to Erzurum… What stunning beauty! Dear people of Erzurum, ‘land of the dadas’ (brave men), I warmly greet you all with heartfelt emotions. Erzurum is exceptionally beautiful once again today. Words fall short in describing Erzurum.”

Highlighting Erzurum’s historical significance as the gateway to Anatolia and its resilient spirit despite the atrocities committed by Armenian gangs, Erdogan paid tribute to the enduring stories of its people.

‘No doubt Erzurum to lead Century of Türkiye’

President Erdogan addressed a crowd of 40,000 in Erzurum, highlighting the city’s pivotal role in shaping Türkiye’s future and the upcoming municipal elections.

“Above all, I wish to express my deepest gratitude to each of you for your support of the People’s Alliance in the May 14-28 elections,” the president said, adding: “Today, 40,000 (attended the rally). I do not doubt that Erzurum, one of the Republic’s founding cities, will take on the leadership in the Century of Türkiye.”

Erdogan extended Ramadan greetings and emphasized the importance of utilizing these holy days for spiritual gains and continuous efforts toward making March 31 a “national will celebration.”

He stressed the necessity of hard work and dedication to achieve this goal.

“What will we do? We will work hard. We will run more than ever. We will not leave any Erzurum native untouched, unconquered in heart. I see such spirit, such excitement, such dedication before me,” he added.

Reiterating his commitment to transforming Erzurum into an earthquake-resistant city, Erdogan detailed the progress in housing and urban transformation projects.

Through Türkiye’s Housing Development Administration (TOKI), 14,919 housing units have been initiated, with 10,017 already completed and handed over to their rightful owners. Efforts are underway for the remaining constructions and the transformation of 5,435 risky independent sections in urban areas, with a promise to expedite the urban transformation delays in the Aziziye district.

Progress in earthquake resilience efforts

Erdogan vowed to make Erzurum resilient against earthquakes, leveraging the efforts of ministries and municipalities in the future. He announced the completion of 10 out of 13 “nation garden” projects, noting the significant increase in passenger numbers at the modernized Erzurum Airport, from 105,000 to over 1 million, signaling further investments in Erzurum.

Addressing the political scene, Erdogan expressed his opposition to the country’s cause being demeaned as a bargaining chip at negotiation tables.

He recognized the challenges Türkiye has faced to achieve its current status and recalled the sacrifices made for national achievements, with a special emphasis on Erzurum’s awareness and contributions.

The president placed his trust in the people, seeking their robust support for forthcoming elections.

Source: Newsroom

Last Updated:  Jun 3, 2024 4:20 PM