23 generals, admirals promoted by Supreme Military Council in Türkiye

The 2024 Supreme Military Council meeting, led by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan at the Presidential Complex, reached decisions regarding the promotions, extensions and retirements of high-ranking officers in the Turkish Armed Forces, as stated by the Presidential Communications Directorate of Türkiye.
These decisions were approved by President Erdogan.
The government promoted 23 generals and admirals to the next rank on Aug. 30 and elevated 77 colonels to the general and admiral ranks. Furthermore, the government has extended the service terms of 34 generals and admirals by one year, and that of 455 colonels by two years.
The decision also includes the retirement of two generals due to the age limit on Sept. 1 and the retirement of 29 generals and admirals due to a lack of available positions as of Aug. 30.
The statement announced the one-year extension of Naval Forces Commander Admiral Ercument Tatlioglu’s term of service. The current number of generals and admirals, which stands at 281, will increase to 327 as of Aug. 30.
Effective Aug. 30:
Turkish Land Forces:
- Lieutenant Generals Levent Ergun and Metin Tokel have been promoted to the rank of general.
- Major Generals Tevfik Algan and Gultekin Yarali have been promoted to the rank of lieutenant general.
- Brigadier Generals Ilker Gorgulu, Erman Kiraz, Mustafa Koksal, Ferat Vural, Ahmet Gulmus, Rifat Donel, Ilhan Istanbullu, Yusuf Diker, and Zeynel Abidin Erginbas have been promoted to the rank of major general.
Turkish Naval Forces:
- Vice Admiral Kadir Yildiz has been promoted to the rank of admiral.
- Rear Admirals Mustafa Kaya and Yalcin Payal have been promoted to the rank of vice admiral.
- Rear Admirals Serhat Sozbir, Mehmet Emre Sezenler, Mevlut Savas Bilican, and Recep Erdinc Yetkin have been promoted to the rank of rear admiral.
Turkish Air Forces:
- Major General Yasar Kadioglu has been promoted to the rank of lieutenant general.
- Brigadier Generals Mete Kus and Sadik Uygur have been promoted to the rank of major general.
These promotions are effective from Aug. 30.
The statement concluded with good wishes: “We wish that the new ranks and assignments of the generals, admirals and colonels who have been promoted or had their service terms extended will be beneficial to our nation, state, armed forces, and their families. We express our gratitude to the generals, admirals, and colonels who have completed their service with great dedication and honor and are retiring. We wish them and their families happiness and well-being in their new phase of life.”
The list of promoted generals, admirals, and colonels, those whose service terms were extended, and those who retired due to age limits can be found on the official website of the Presidency at “www.tccb.gov.tr.”.