Cultural heritage: Ottoman, Indonesian Muslims traditions of honoring Laylat al-Qadr

It has been a long-standing tradition among Muslims during the month of Ramadan to strive for the blessings of Laylat al-Qadr, as mentioned in the Holy Quran.
This night is described as being more virtuous than a thousand months. It is also believed to be the night when the Words of Allah were revealed to the Prophet Muhammad, serving as a guiding light for Muslims.
Additionally, it is said that on this sacred night, angels, including their leader Jibril (Gabriel), descend to the earthly realm to bring blessings and offer prayers for those who engage in worship throughout the night. However, the exact date of Laylat al-Qadr remains a divine secret, unknown to humans.
This wisdom ensures that Muslims do not limit their devotion to a single night, but rather dedicate themselves to worship throughout the month of Ramadan with full awareness and sincerity.
Prophetic guidance on Laylat al-Qadr
Nevertheless, during his lifetime, Prophet Muhammad provided guidance that Laylat al-Qadr would occur specifically within the last 10 nights of Ramadan, particularly on odd-numbered nights.
Moreover, according to narrations from the Prophet’s sahabahs, the 27th night of Ramadan is often regarded as the most probable occurrence of Laylat al-Qadr. As a result, subsequent generations of Muslims have observed the 27th night, as well as other odd nights, as opportunities to remind themselves of this sacred promise made by Allah in the Quran.
Ottoman traditions for Laylat al-Qadr
In the Ottoman tradition, Laylat al-Qadr was commemorated through a grand religious gathering, where the recitation of the entire Quran (Khatm al-Qur’an) was conducted, followed by collective prayers led by Hafiz scholars until dawn. One of the most spectacular celebrations was the “Kadir Alayi,” a grand procession featuring the Sultan and Ottoman officials.
The Sultan, accompanied by his entourage, would perform Tarawih and Tasbih prayers at the Hagia Sophia Mosque as a symbol of the conquest of Constantinople. The commemoration of Laylat al-Qadr at Hagia Sophia was conducted with great magnificence, unmatched by ceremonies in other mosques.

Night of illumination, festivities in Ottoman Empire
The streets along the Kadir Alayi procession route were lavishly decorated, adorned with lanterns, and buildings, including homes and public spaces, were renovated and repainted to mark the occasion. A sense of joy and the spiritual atmosphere of Ramadan permeated the night.
During the Tarawih prayer, the muazzin (prayer caller) would recite qasidas in the sorrowful melody of “Elveda” (farewell), signifying the approaching end of the sacred month.
Interestingly, non-Muslims, including foreign diplomats residing in the Ottoman Empire, were permitted to witness this grand celebration from the upper levels of Hagia Sophia.
The French writer Paul Herigaut, for instance, was inspired by the majestic Laylat al-Qadr celebrations at Hagia Sophia and reflected his observations in his novel “Russian Fire.”

Javanese Muslim traditions in Indonesia
Meanwhile, in Indonesia, particularly among Javanese Muslims, the observance of Laylat al-Qadr has been traditionally led by the Surakarta Sultanate on the 21st night of Ramadan. This celebration, known as “Malem Selikuran” (the 21st night of Ramadan), features a grand royal procession in which the Sultan and his entourage march from the palace to the Grand Mosque of Surakarta or the Sriwedari Garden (the Royal Garden).
They carry various offerings, including tumbeng (a ceremonial cone-shaped rice dish) and lanterns, symbolizing blessings and prosperity. Upon arriving at the Grand Mosque of Surakarta, the night is marked by Quran recitations, sermons, and the distribution of food to the people.
This tradition has been observed since the spread of Islam in Java during the era of the Demak Sultanate and the influential role of the Wali Songo (the Nine Saints) in the late 15th to 16th centuries.

Share spirit of Laylat al-Qadr across cultures
These historical traditions of Laylat al-Qadr in both the Ottoman Empire and Indonesia highlight the rich cultural expressions of Islamic spirituality across different regions.
Though distinct in practice, both traditions emphasize the profound significance of this sacred night, reinforcing faith, devotion, and communal unity among Muslims.
About the author: Satrio Anugrah is an Indonesian history undergraduate student at Konya KTO Karatay University, an Ottoman history content creator with an interest in the late modern period of the Ottoman Empire and its role in the Islamic world.