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US, Russian representatives clash at the UN Security Council on Gaza

US, Russian representatives clash at the UN Security Council on Gaza
By Newsroom
Feb 28, 2024 10:04 AM

Tensions escalate at the United Nations Security Council as Russian and US representatives sparred over Gaza, with accusations of hunger as a tool of war and bombings in Ukraine taking center stage

Tensions flared at the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) regarding Gaza, as Russian representative Vassily Nebenzia accused “Western colleagues” of permitting Israel to use hunger as a tool of warfare in the region.

Speaking at the UNSC on Tuesday, Nebenzia pointed out that the US had blocked numerous UN efforts to establish a ceasefire that could have averted “widespread starvation” in Gaza.

“The responsibility for the significant number of civilian casualties in this conflict lies squarely with Washington. The toll is now approaching 30,000 lives lost, a direct consequence of the American veto within the Security Council concerning Gaza,” he remarked.

In response, US deputy ambassador Robert Wood highlighted the dire situation in Ukraine, describing it as a place where people endure “brutal, inhumane bombings and violence on a daily basis.”

“I would like to remind everyone present that the Russian Federation is a nation that does not work towards resolving humanitarian crises; rather, it often instigates them,” Wood stated.

Following this, Nebenzia told Wood that he should be ashamed for comparing Ukraine with Gaza, saying, “You cannot lecture us as a country that has bombed Iraq, Afghanistan, and Syria, causing heavy damage.”

Nebenzia remarked, “Before pointing out our mistakes, take a look at your own wrongdoings.”

Wood responded that he wasn’t making a comparison between Ukraine and Gaza, but rather highlighting Russia’s actions. He then asked Nebenzia, “Are you claiming that Russia hasn’t bombed Ukraine?”

Nebenzia defended Russia’s actions in Ukraine, stating that they only target military objectives, and he requested to end the discussion.

Funding for UNRWA

In late January, several countries, including the US, UK, Germany, and Canada, announced the suspension of funding to UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees) due to suspected ties with the Palestinian group Hamas.

Vassily Nebenzia, speaking at a UN Security Council meeting, criticized this decision, stating, “A notable example is the swift action taken by several Western donors to suspend UNRWA funding amid an ongoing humanitarian crisis in Gaza. This has pushed the agency’s operations to the brink of collapse. Such actions seem to be clear instances of unethical donor coercion and the politicization of humanitarian matters. We anticipate that this issue will be addressed separately by the Council in the days ahead.”

Source: Newsroom


Last Updated:  May 28, 2024 7:33 PM