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Trump triumphs in New Hampshire Primary, setting the stage for rematch with Biden

By Yagiz Efe Parmaksiz
Jan 24, 2024 8:18 AM

Donald Trump secures a decisive victory in the New Hampshire primary, bringing him one step closer to clinching the Republican presidential nomination

In a decisive victory on Tuesday, Donald Trump secured a key win in the New Hampshire primary, bringing him one step closer to clinching the Republican presidential nomination and setting the stage for a high-stakes White House rematch with Joe Biden.

With approximately 60 percent of the votes counted, Trump held a commanding lead of around 11 percentage points, despite the determined efforts of his remaining challenger, Nikki Haley, who pledged to continue the fight.

In a characteristic victory speech, the 77-year-old Trump launched a verbal assault on Haley, asserting confidence that victory would be imminent when the primary contest moved to her home state of South Carolina. Trump’s address was laced with familiar warnings about immigration, accompanied by unfounded claims about the 2020 election.

Haley, in her own speech, declared that the race was “far from over” and suggested that Democrats preferred to face Trump due to the chaos he purportedly sowed. She argued that Trump was the only Republican candidate Biden could defeat.

Despite adding New Hampshire to his previous triumph in Iowa, Trump maintained a hard-right messaging approach, showing no inclination to reach out to moderate voters who supported Haley. The president, swearing on primetime TV, painted a bleak picture of the United States as a “failing country” besieged by undocumented migrants from psychiatric hospitals and prisons.

Biden responded promptly, acknowledging Trump’s likely nomination and emphasizing the high stakes for democracy and personal freedoms in a statement.

The New Hampshire primary results solidify Trump’s position as the front-runner for the Republican nomination, with his hard-right messaging resonating strongly among voters. The defeat in New Hampshire, a state friendlier to Haley, may pose challenges for her moving forward.

The race is increasingly shaping up as a two-person contest between Trump and Biden. Despite Haley’s efforts to question Trump’s mental fitness, her performance in New Hampshire is not expected to impede Trump’s momentum towards November.

Trump’s victory in both Iowa and New Hampshire, a rare feat, underscores the formidable support he enjoys within the Republican base. The former president’s message, a blend of personal grievances and right-wing culture war, appears to be fueling his path back to the White House.

While Haley’s supporters may find solace in her New Hampshire showing, political analysts predict a challenging road ahead for her in subsequent states. The outlook remains dim for Haley, who faces an uphill battle to compete in the looming contests, particularly in South Carolina.

In contrast, Biden celebrated an unofficial Democratic primary win in New Hampshire, providing a symbolic boost to his candidacy. The president, campaigning alongside Vice President Kamala Harris in Virginia, rallied for abortion rights, criticizing Trump’s stance on restricting the constitutional right to abortion.

Last Updated:  Jun 3, 2024 3:07 PM