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Taiwan faces hurdles for WHO assembly, seeks US support

By Selin Atay
May 2, 2024 3:47 PM

China ‘strongly’ opposes Blinken’s support, which it said in essence condoned and supported Taiwanese separatism

Taiwan’s top diplomat, Joseph Wu, expressed the challenges in attending this year’s World Health Organization (WHO) annual assembly because of the island’s exclusion, hoping for increased international support amid objections from China.

Taiwan attended the World Health Assembly (WHA) as an observer from 2009 to 2016 under the administration of Ma Ying-jeou, who signed landmark trade and tourism agreements with China.

Taiwan seeks US support against Chinese block

Taiwan’s top diplomat, Joseph Wu, noted a statement from U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken in which he said the United States “strongly encourages” the WHO to reinstate Taiwan’s invitation. 

“With attending this year’s WHO there may be some difficulties, but we are continuing to work hard, as before, to get more countries to support us,” Wu said. 

Though permitted in some WHO technical meetings, Taiwan asserted its exclusion hampers global efforts against COVID-19. 

Blinken’s statement said the U.S. commended the WHO for taking steps to engage Taiwan more meaningfully in its technical work over the past year and improving communication lines. “

Yet Taiwan’s continued exclusion from this preeminent global health forum undermines inclusive global public health cooperation and security,” he added. “Inviting Taiwan to observe the WHA is a critical step toward affirming the WHO’s goal of ‘Health for All.'” 

‘Blinken supports Taiwanese separatism’

China’s foreign ministry said it was “strongly opposed” to Blinken’s comments, which it said condoned and supported Taiwanese separatism.

“The Democratic Progressive Party authorities stubbornly adhere to the separatist position of Taiwan independence, which has led to the disappearance of the political basis for Taiwan to participate in the WHO,” the ministry said, referring to Taiwan’s ruling party. 

WHO has yet to respond about Taiwanese participation. 

China has escalated diplomatic and military pressure against Taiwan, which rejects China’s claims, asserting the right of its 23 million people to determine their future independently.

Source: Newsroom

Last Updated:  May 31, 2024 6:54 PM