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Protesters in several Israeli cities demand Netanyahu’s resignation, early elections

By Newsroom
Apr 6, 2024 10:51 PM

Protests intensify in Israel following a car striking three demonstrators in Tel Aviv, as calls for Netanyahu’s resignation and the release of hostages echo across the country

A car did not stop and hit 3 protesters in Tel Aviv, Israeli police said in a short statement. 

The driver hit the 3 protesters and kept driving until the police stopped the vehicle and arrested the suspect.

3 people are receiving medical treatment.

Protesters in several Israeli cities demand Netanyahu's resignation, early elections

Two of the injured are in mild condition, and the third was moderately injured, the police added.

Protests underway in Tel Aviv

As the families of Israeli captives and members of the public gather in Tel Aviv’s Democracy Square, they are demanding early elections and the ousting of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government.

Protests against Netanyahu’s handling of negotiations for captives in Gaza have become regular in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem since the war’s early months.

Protesters in several Israeli cities demand Netanyahu's resignation, early elections

These demonstrations coincide with ceasefire talks in Cairo, addressing the captives’ release, involving Hamas representatives mediated by Qatar, Egypt, and the U.S.

In Caesarea and Haifa, protesters also demanded Netanyahu’s resignation and early elections, urging for the release of all Israeli hostages held in Gaza before the six-month mark of hostilities.

Demonstrators brandished Israeli flags and displayed signs featuring images of hostages, passionately calling for the safe return of their compatriots.

In Tel Aviv, chants echoed through the streets:

“We are not afraid; you destroyed the country, and we will fix it. We want them (hostages) back alive and not in coffins.”

Among the protesters, one banner declared, “The government that destroyed the country and tore the nation apart.”

Another called for the “division of religion and state,” while yet another proclaimed, “Netanyahu is dangerous to Israel.”

Protesters in Haifa labeled the government a failure, with chants of “guilty, guilty, guilty” aimed at Netanyahu. Banners were seen reading, “Elections now!” as the public outcry against the current administration intensified across the cities.

Source: Newsroom


Last Updated:  May 28, 2024 5:16 PM