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One of most hated Turkish criminals beaten in US prison

Photo shows Eylem Tok and her son Timur Cihantimur. Eylem Tok and her son Timur Cihantimur fleeing to Egypt after a fatal accident, March 2, 2024, (AA Photos)
By Newsroom
Jul 19, 2024 10:25 PM

Timur Cihantimur, one of the most hated Turkish criminals, known for causing the death of Oguz Murat Aci in Istanbul while driving without a license, was attacked by 3 individuals at his new prison in Newark, New Jersey, U.S.

Cihantimur, who fled the scene of a fatal accident in Istanbul, was apprehended in the U.S. with his mother, Eylem Tok. After the accident, Cihantimur and Tok took the phones of the injured individuals and initially fled to Egypt before moving to the U.S. The incident sparked significant public outrage.

Split lip and broken tooth

Cihantimur, who was apprehended in the U.S. along with his mother, Tok, was waiting for a phone when the assault occurred. The attackers reportedly struck Cihantimur on his head and face, causing a split lip and a broken tooth.

Placed in quarantine section

Following the incident, he was briefly transferred to a hospital but was returned to prison due to a lack of available space at the facility. He has since been placed in the prison’s quarantine section.

Last Updated:  Jul 20, 2024 10:12 AM