Muslims worldwide embrace Ramadan’s spirituality

The month of Ramadan in Türkiye is incredibly full of traditional shopping rituals and abundant iftar tables
Ramadan is a special period for Muslims that is rich in spirituality and reinforces the spirit of unity.
During this holy month, doors of mercy are opened wide.
During Ramadan, Muslims try to fast, worship do charity and rejuvinate themselves spiritually.
The month of Ramadan in Türkiye is incredibly full of traditional shopping rituals and abundant iftar tables. Before Ramadan, people clean their homes, shop at the bazaar and plan iftar parties.
During Ramadan, tarawih prayers are performed in mosques, mukabeles are recited and people come together in a spiritual atmosphere.
In Central Asia, the meaning and way of celebrating Ramadan varies. Due to the effects of the Soviet period, Muslims in the region had to restrict their fasting and worship.
However, today, enthusiasm for Ramadan has revived, and people have come together to organize iftars and attend tarawih prayers.
In the Middle East, especially in countries under the shadow of war, such as Syria and Palestine, the spiritual importance of Ramadan increases even more.
Worship, prayers and cooperation activities intensify during this period. Even amid war, people come together to break their fast and experience the spirit of unity.
In countries with a sizeable Muslim population, such as Pakistan and Indonesia, Ramadan is celebrated with enthusiasm.
People share sahur and iftar meals, flock to mosques and purify their souls by reading the Quran.
In America, Muslims celebrate Ramadan with various events.
Iftar dinners are organized in mosques, aid is provided to needy people and people from different segments of society come together.
In Africa, Ramadan sometimes coincides with a struggle against hunger and poverty. However, Muslims break their fast despite these difficulties and pray in spiritual unity.
In the Balkans, Ramadan is celebrated by keeping the Ottoman legacy alive. Streets, mosques and houses are illuminated, iftar tents are set up and neighbors come together to break their fast.
In every region, Ramadan’s spiritual depth and spirit of unity are prominent. People celebrate this holy month with worship, sharing and love.
Ramadan is a unique and meaningful time for Muslims around the world.
Source: Newsroom