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Malaysia may restart search for missing flight MH370, a decade later

Malaysia may restart search for missing flight MH370, a decade later
By Ahmet Erarslan
Mar 4, 2024 10:16 AM

Malaysian government is considering restarting the search for Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 in the southern Indian Ocean following a proposal from U.S. technology company Ocean Infinity

The Malaysian government announced on Sunday that it is considering resuming the search for the missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 following a proposal from a U.S. technology company. The firm, Ocean Infinity, has suggested a new search in the southern Indian Ocean, where the aircraft is thought to have crashed 10 years ago. 

Transport Minister Anthony Loke stated that Ocean Infinity has put forward a fresh “no find, no fee” approach to explore the seabeds beyond their initial search area in 2018. He has invited the company to present new scientific evidence for evaluating the aircraft’s final location. If the evidence is deemed credible, he intends to seek approval from the Cabinet to engage Ocean Infinity in a new search effort. 

Loke expressed the government’s unwavering commitment to locating MH370 during a commemorative event marking the 10th anniversary of the plane’s disappearance. He emphasized the importance of finding the aircraft to provide closure and truth to the families of the passengers. 

The Boeing 777 carrying 239 individuals vanished en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing in 2014, with satellite data indicating a crash in the southern Indian Ocean. Despite extensive search operations, including a multinational effort and a private search by Ocean Infinity in 2018, no significant clues were discovered. However, the renewed interest in the search has brought hope to the families of the victims. 

K.S. Nathan, a member of the Voice MH370 group representing the next-of-kin, mentioned that Ocean Infinity’s plans for a new search were delayed but are now back on track. Loke refrained from disclosing the proposed fee structure, highlighting that financial considerations would not impede the search if progress is made. 

The announcement by Loke brought relief and joy to some family members present at the event, with hopes of finally obtaining closure. The emotional gathering included tributes from families of passengers from various countries, all united in their quest for truth and closure, regardless of the passage of time. 


Source: AP

Last Updated:  May 28, 2024 7:15 PM