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Iraqi Turkmens call Baghdad to declare PKK terrorist organization

Iraqi Turkmens call Baghdad to declare PKK terrorist organization
By Dogacan Basaran
May 12, 2024 9:31 AM

President of the Iraqi Turkmen Front Hasan Turan announces that they received intelligence warning that the PKK terrorist organization may attack Turkmen officials and Iraqi Turkmen Front buildings

The president of the Iraqi Turkmen Front Hasan Turan said Saturday that it received a warning from an Iraqi intelligence unit that the PKK terror organization could launch attacks on Turkmen officials and Iraqi Turkmen Front buildings.

Turan recalled the assassination of the former head of the Security Department of the Iraqi Turkmen Front, Ahmet Tahir, about a year ago, and the killing of Turkmen tribal leader Huseyin Allus on March 31 in a terror attack.

He said the PKK is a banned organization in Iraq and the government should not tolerate it and he urged Baghdad to declare the PKK a terror group.

Turan highlighted the presence of Iraqi Turkmen Front offices and organizations in areas where PKK operates such as Sulaymaniyah, Kirku and Kifri, pointing out the alarming nature of PKK’s operations under the guise of civil society organizations.

Source: AA

Last Updated:  May 31, 2024 5:38 PM