China flexing its military muscle once again over Taiwan Strait

Taiwan asserts that China crossed the median line with a large number of military vehicles and that Taiwan took the necessary precautions
On Thursday afternoon, Taiwan reported detecting 15 Chinese military aircraft and an unspecified number of navy ships in areas surrounding Taiwan, while 10 warplanes and unmanned aerial vehicles traversed the median of the Taiwan Strait.
As part of a joint military patrol exercise with Chinese naval vessels, Sukhoi SU-30, KJ-500 third-generation airborne early warning and control (AEW&C), and unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) sorties crossed the Taiwan Strait median line beginning on Thursday.
10 People’s Liberation Army (PLA) aircraft entered Taiwan’s northern, central, and southwestern air defense identification zones (ADIZ) during multiple sorties, crossing the middle line.
To track Chinese military aircraft, the ministry stated it was conducting air and sea patrols and deploying defensive missile systems.
Last week, China crossed the median line as well
Taiwan reported that 22 Chinese planes and unmanned aerial vehicles were detected flying around the island for about three hours last Saturday.
Lai Ching-te, is strongly disliked by China which believes him to be a dangerous separatist. China’s government has rejected his repeated offers for talks, including one made last week.
Source: Newsroom