An armed group raided the studio during a live broadcast in Ecuador

Armed attackers broking into a television channel during a live broadcast and taking many journalists and employees hostage In Ecuador
Armed attackers with masks on their faces broke into the live broadcast of the studio of the state-owned television channel “TC Television” in the city of Guayaquil and took many journalists and employees hostage. The attackers, who had long-barreled weapons and explosives in their hands, were seen knocking television employees to the ground during the raid. During the live broadcast, a woman was heard shouting, “Don’t shoot, please don’t shoot.”
“National Police units in Quito and Guayaquil were alerted to this criminal act and are at the scene,” the police said in a statement. During the operation in which armed men were detained, police and soldiers took security measures in the region.
The raid in question took place hours after President Daniel Noboa declared a state of emergency after Jose Adolfo Macias Villamar, nicknamed “Fito”, the leader of the Los Choneros gang, disappeared yesterday from the prison in Guayaquil where he was detained.
Source: Anadolu Agency, IHA