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2 UK ministers resign, adding pressure on British PM Sunak

By Selin Atay
Mar 27, 2024 10:56 AM

Education Minister Robert Halfon and Armed Forces Minister James Heappey step down, triggering a reshuffle in the British government

In a significant blow to British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, two ministers tendered their resignations on Tuesday, precipitating a shake-up in junior ranks within the government.

Education Minister Robert Halfon and Armed Forces Minister James Heappey also declared their intentions not to contest in the upcoming general elections.

Robert Halfon | MP for Harlow
Robert Halfon became the 63rd Tory MP to say they will not stand in the next election

Robert Halfon, a seasoned member of Parliament, announced his unexpected decision to step down as the education minister and exit the Commons at the next general election, which is to be held no later than Jan. 28, 2025.

 “After well over two decades as the Harlow parliamentary candidate and as MP, I feel that it is time for me to step down at the forthcoming general election, and in doing so, to resign as a minister in your government,” Halfon wrote in his letter to Sunak.

James Heappey to quit as Armed Forces minister
Tory MP James Heappey, who had already announced his plans to exit the Commons

Armed Forces Minister James Heappey, who has served as a parliamentarian since 2015, revealed his intention to resign as a lawmaker and relinquish his ministerial post earlier this month.

Heappey signaled his departure with a picture outside the Whitehall department, captioned with the word “endex,” a military term signifying the end of a hard exercise and the accompanying sense of relief.

Heappey, a former soldier who has held various roles in the Ministry of Defense since 2019, was reportedly on “resignation watch” after telling colleagues privately that he was unhappy about the level of defense spending.

Sunak’s mini-reshuffle of junior ministerial ranks

New UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak vows to fix Liz Truss' mistakes – POLITICO
Rishi Sunak has served as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and Leader of the Conservative Party since 2022

In response to the resignations, Sunak initiated a mini-reshuffle of junior ministerial roles within the government.

  • Leo Docherty is set to return to the Ministry of Defence as the new armed forces minister.
  • Luke Hall will take over as education minister.
  • Nus Ghani has been appointed as the new minister for Europe in the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office.
  • Kevin Hollinrake promoted to minister of State in the Department for Business and Trade, maintaining responsibility for postal affairs.
  • Alan Mak assumes the role of Parliamentary Under Secretary of State jointly in the Department for Business and Trade and the Cabinet Office.
  • Jonathan Gullis and Angela Richardson are named as deputy party chairs.

The double resignations exacerbate the prevailing sense of pessimism surrounding the Tories, raising concerns in Downing Street about the number of MPs stepping down. 

The record for the highest number of Conservatives standing down from Parliament in a single term stands at 75, set in the lead-up to Labour’s 1997 landslide victory.

With the current trend, the party is expected to surpass this figure under Sunak’s leadership.

Source: Newsroom


Last Updated:  May 28, 2024 5:51 PM