Trump’s assassination attempt recalls attack on Türkiye’s former PM Ozal in 1988

After the assassination attempt on U.S. President Donald Trump during a rally, parallels were drawn to a similar incident involving Turgut Ozal, Türkiye’s 19th Prime Minister, in 1988.
Secret Service agents swiftly assisted Trump to his feet after the attack. He raised his fist in defiance, and his message resonated widely.
Expressing gratitude to the U.S. Secret Service and security officials for their prompt response, Trump also offered condolences to the family of a bystander who lost their life in the campaign area.
Trump noted that the shooter was reportedly killed, emphasizing that the attacker’s identity remained unknown.
The attempt on Trump’s life evoked memories of a similar incident 26 years earlier.

In 1988, then-Prime Minister Turgut Ozal was the target of an armed attack during his speech at the Motherland Party Congress.
Assailant Kartal Demirag fired two shots at Ozal, with one bullet ricocheting off the microphone stand in front of him and injuring his right thumb.
Following the attack, Ozal had delivered a message of resilience: “There is no one who can take away the life given by Allah except by His will, and we have submitted to Him.”