PKK/YPG suspected in Ankara terror bombing as footage shows similarities to previous attacks

As Türkiye Today team examined the first images after the terrorist attack on Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI) facilities, in Ankara on Wednesday, it appears highly likely that it was carried out by the PKK/YPG terrorist organization.
Similar attacks were carried out
In their most recent terrorist attack targeting the Ministry of Interior, they followed a similar attack tactic, with a bomb attack preceded by a bomb attack and followed by terrorists trying to infiltrate the compound.

The videos show that AK-type weapons, AKM / AK-74 assault rifle, with suppressor attachments were used in the attack. In addition, it is possible to see AKS-74U compact weapons with optics known to be frequently used by the PKK terrorist organization.
The terrorist can be seen holding a firearm equipped with a suppressor. It is likely that they stole a commercial taxi, killing its owner, to reach the location where the attack was carried out.
Based on their equipment – bags, relatively modern gear, long-barreled firearms, and mounted optics – as well as their orderly movements, it is highly likely that these terrorists are members of a terrorist organization trained in Syria.
They might have used paramotors
They followed a similar pattern in their attack on the police house in Mersin. They may have arrived at the Turkish border with paramotors as they did in previous attacks.
There is a high probability that there is a suicide bomb vest in the bag as well.
While rifles normally carry a single magazine, it is possible to see that people using this weapon integrate spare magazines into their magazines.
One of the male terrorists who attacked Turkish Aerospace Industries identified as PKK member Ali Orek, confirms interior minister Ali Yerlikaya.
There is a high probability that a leftist organization was involved in the attack, but looking at the movements of the attackers and the equipment they used, it is highly likely that the terrorist organization PKK/YPG carried out this attack.