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Mark Rutte gains support for NATO Secretary-General role

Mark Rutte gains support for NATO Secretary-General role
By Newsroom
Feb 22, 2024 9:50 AM

Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte garners support from over two-thirds of NATO countries to become the next secretary-general, though final approval is pending

Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte has gathered support from more than two-thirds of NATO countries to lead the military alliance to replace Jens Stoltenberg in September, according to POLITICO newspaper.

A NATO official said that Rutte has the backing of over 20 NATO members.

The officials revealed that Rutte, who has been campaigning for the position since November, is the sole candidate nominated by the 31 member governments of the alliance.

According to NATO regulations, the secretary-general selection must be made “by consensus,” meaning Rutte still needs to secure the support of the remaining countries.

The official cautioned the discussions are ongoing but noted: “There is a growing momentum in favor of his candidacy.”

With the NATO leaders’ summit scheduled for July in Washington, pressure is mounting on member countries to endorse Rutte. If appointed, he would succeed Stoltenberg who has led NATO since 2014.

Julianne Smith, the U.S. Ambassador to NATO, suggested last week that allies should aim to “finalize the selection process likely in the first quarter of this year.”

However, Bloomberg reported Türkiye has been insisting Rutte does not show favoritism towards EU nations within the alliance.

Additionally, Hungary has had longstanding disagreements with Rutte, particularly regarding his strong criticism of Hungary’s democratic decline.

Source: Newsroom


Last Updated:  Jun 3, 2024 4:20 PM