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Main opposition leader Ozgur Ozel pledges support for Erdogan amid criticism

Main opposition leader Ozgur Ozel pledges support for Erdogan amid criticism
By Yusuf Ulucam
May 17, 2024 9:07 AM

Main opposition party CHP Chairman Ozgur Ozel defends his meeting with President Erdogan, showing support for the president and Bahceli in high-profile cases while criticizing the Kobani trial as politically motivated

Republican People’s Party (CHP) Chairman Ozgur Ozel addressed on Thursday criticisms about his recent meeting with President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, stating, “We didn’t meet before, and the results are evident.”

The main opposition leader also expressed his willingness to support both Erdogan and Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) leader Devlet Bahceli on high-profile cases, saying, “I am ready to give the most unequivocal support. Let’s tackle this matter together with courage.”

In a live broadcast, Ozel made striking statements on current issues. Speaking about the top topics on the national agenda, the Sinan Ates and Ayhan Bora Kaplan cases, he expressed support for Erdogan.

Ozel stated, “If Erdogan comes and says, ‘We are involved in such an issue, whoever is responsible should be exposed’ and asks for political support, I am ready.” He added that he would also offer his support to Bahceli or Interior Minister Ali Yerlikaya if they seek assistance for a just cause.

Ozel emphasized the need for a parliamentary commission to collaborate on legal reforms and restore public trust in the judicial system, offering unconditional support to Erdogan, Bahceli, and others for a collective effort toward making Türkiye a state of law. 

“In all honesty, everyone is working against each other. Parliament must launch a legal return operation. It won’t happen otherwise. I will give unconditional support. If the powers within their parties or their entanglements eventually leave them helpless and taking steps politically jeopardizes them, let them say they want to get rid of these issues, and we will tackle it together with courage.” he said. 

Ozel also responded to criticisms regarding his meeting with Erdogan, stating: “I understand those worried about or criticizing meeting with Erdogan, but we didn’t meet before, and the results are evident. I’m not justifying, forgiving, forgetting, or giving Erdogan credit for his past mistakes. None of those. Negotiation is the most critical element of the struggle.”

Comments on Kobani

Speaking on the verdicts of the Kobani case, known as the Oct. 6-8, 2014 incidents, in which former HDP co-chairs Selahattin Demirtas and Figen Yuksekdag are on trial, Ozel emphasized that the Kobani case is politically motivated, citing its delayed indictment, prolonged proceedings, and timing of the decision hearing as evidence of political exploitation.

“I will not change the stance I have taken since day one. The case is political,” he said. 

“Some of the sentences handed down are much lower than what was sought. The sentences given to Demirtas and Yuksekdag are unacceptable, considering what they were accused of while they were co-chairs of a party,” he added. 

Source: Newsroom
Last Updated:  Jun 3, 2024 4:18 PM