Kurdish-oriented DEM Party seeks official permission to visit jailed PKK leader Ocalan

The Peoples’ Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) will apply to the Ministry of Justice to meet with the imprisoned founder of the PKK terrorist organization Abdullah Ocalan.
The statement was announced by DEM Party co-chair Tuncer Bakirhan during his party’s group meeting on Tuesday.
“Remove the bother; let’s see if Ocalan is resting or not. Together with Tulay Hatimoglu (DEM co-chair), we will apply today; if they are sincere, they will remove the obstacles in front of this application. Since you are pointing to Ocalan, open his door,” Bakirhan said.
Reacting to the risk of a “serious war” mentioned by Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) chairman Devlet Bahceli, Bakirhan stated: “If you want to protect yourself from these risks, stop appointing trustees first.”
Some seven mayors have so far been removed over ties to the terrorist organization PKK in late 2024 and replaced by trustees.

DEM Party comments come after Bahceli’s call
Meanwhile, Bahceli said during his party meeting: “Separating the Kurds from the Turks is as impossible and insane as separating the world from the solar system. Our memory is one, our pain is one, our morality is one, our amen is one and our future is one.”
“Therefore, we must join hands and knit our hearts together to completely remove terrorism and separatism from our agenda,” he asserted.
Bahceli further commented: “Are you a member of separatist terrorism? Or will you be the DEM of the future partnership and millennial brotherhood? Will you condemn terrorism? Or will you continue to lean on your back?”
“We expect face-to-face contact between Imranli (the prison that houses Ocalan) and the DEM group to be made as soon as possible, and we resolutely repeat our call,” he added.