Iraqi Islamic Party urges Baghdad to join Türkiye in combating PKK terrorism

The Iraqi Islamic Party expressed its growing concern on Tuesday over the escalating terrorist activities of the PKK within Iraq, urging the Baghdad administration to collaborate with Türkiye to address the issue.
In a statement, the party highlighted the political and security threats posed by the PKK’s increasing activities.
“The Iraqi Islamic Party is closely monitoring the increase in terrorist activities of the banned terrorist organization PKK in Iraq. These activities pose a great political and security threat and need to be resolved,” the statement read.
PKK’s presence in Iraq hinders regional stability
The party underscored that Türkiye’s operations against the PKK in Iraq are a justified response to the group’s spread, which creates a “dangerous security gap.” The statement also noted that regional conflicts and instability exacerbate Iraq’s fragile state.
“The continued presence of the terrorist organization PKK in Iraq and its ongoing terrorist activities against neighboring country Türkiye will hinder the development of political and economic relations with Türkiye,” the party asserted.
The statement condemned the PKK’s terrorist activities against Türkiye, urging Iraq to transition from merely not accepting its territories being used for attacks against other countries to actively resolving the PKK issue through cooperation with Türkiye.
Joint plan needed to address PKK
“We strongly condemn the ongoing terrorist activities of the PKK against Türkiye. Iraq needs to move from the stage of ‘not accepting its territories to be used as a base for attacks against other countries’ to the stage of solving the issue (of the PKK’s presence in Iraq) through a joint plan and cooperation with Türkiye without any hesitation,” the statement concluded.
The PKK, designated as a terrorist organization by Türkiye, the U.S., and the EU, has been responsible for over 40,000 deaths in Türkiye during its nearly 40-year-long terror campaign, which has tragically included women, children and infants among its victims.