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Former Interior Minister claims Erdogan’s alliance faces strategic attacks ahead of 2028 elections

court case, Istanbul Mayor Imamoglu Former Interior Minister Suleyman Soylu, involved in Ekrem Imamoglu's court case, August 6, 2022. (AA Photo)
By Newsroom
Jun 20, 2024 8:02 PM

Former Turkish Minister of Interior and current AK Party Member of Parliament, Suleyman Soylu, accused a purported “operational intelligence” aligned with the “western front” of targeting the People’s Alliance on Thursday.

In a statement published on his personal website, Soylu asserted that the ultimate aim of this alleged targeting is focused on the 2028 elections. He highlighted specific objectives including the establishment of a “PYD/PKK state in Northern Syria,” the release of prominent figures such as Demirtas and Kavala, and issues related to Turkish Cyprus.

Soylu’s remarks, which were part of a broader commentary on recent political developments, emphasized the strategic importance of upcoming electoral cycles for the People’s Alliance. He warned of efforts aimed at fragmenting the alliance, suggesting that maintaining its unity would be crucial in future elections.

Last Updated:  Jun 20, 2024 8:19 PM