Advice given to Turkish workers heading to Germany in 1960s

In the 1960s, Türkiye faced significant economic challenges, prompting many Turks to seek employment abroad. Germany, in need of labor, saw an influx of Turkish workers under a bilateral agreement signed on Oct. 30, 1961.
This agreement marked the beginning of a major labor migration wave, seen as a chance to ease Türkiye’s economic woes, reduce unemployment and increase foreign currency inflow.
Maintaining Turkish integrity abroad
The Turkish Employment Agency (Is ve Isci Bulma Kurumu Genel Mudurlugu) issued a list of advice to these early migrant workers at the time of their passport applications.
These recommendations aimed to uphold personal dignity, family bonds and national pride, addressing various aspects of life abroad.
Under the heading “Be Honorable,” workers were advised, “Do not live below your means just to save money. Don’t beg or show you’re in need, don’t pity yourself, don’t try to get things for free, don’t be stingy and ignore agitators.”
This advice emphasized maintaining dignity and avoiding behaviors that might reflect poorly on themselves or their country.
Encouraging regular communication for Turkish families
The importance of family was highlighted under “Do Not Forget Your Family – Write Letters.” Workers were reminded, “Write regular letters home and don’t worry your family. Don’t share your troubles, be frugal, and send any savings back home.”
Given the limited communication options of the time, maintaining contact through letters was crucial for emotional and financial support.
Fostering professionalism for Turkish workers in Germany
In the workplace, the guidelines stressed diligence and respect. Workers were told, “Learn your job quickly and do it well. Don’t hesitate to ask questions. Avoid mistakes, and laziness, and finish tasks on time. Respect supervisors and master craftsmen.”
Additionally, they were urged to take care of themselves with advice like “Don’t get drunk, sleep well and control your desires.”
Representing Türkiye abroad, preserving national pride
National pride was a recurrent theme. Workers were reminded that their actions reflected on their country: “What you do in a foreign land doesn’t only reflect on you but on all Turks.
Remember the honor of your flag, which is colored by the blood of your ancestors. Don’t stray from your faith.” This guidance ensured that Turkish workers represented their homeland with honor and integrity.
These pieces of advice provide a nostalgic look back at when many Turks embarked on a journey that would shape their lives and future generations.