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Survival guide to Izmir’s escalating wildfire as firefighting efforts intensify

Survival guide to Izmir's escalating wildfire as firefighting efforts intensify Firefighter extinguishing the forest fire that broke out in Balikliova in Izmir's Urla district, Türkiye, Aug. 17, 2024. (AA Photo)
By Selin Hacialioglu
Aug 18, 2024 12:58 PM

A massive wildfire has been ravaging Izmir, Türkiye, since August 15, with flames spreading rapidly due to extremely hot, dry conditions and strong winds.

Starting in the Karsiyaka district, the fire has quickly escalated into one of the largest and most destructive wildfires in recent history, disrupting daily life and causing significant damage across multiple districts.

Survival guide to Izmir's escalating wildfire as firefighting efforts intensify
Burning areas in Izmir were photographed from the air, Izmir, Türkiye, August 17, 2024 (AA Photo)

Homes, businesses evacuated as wildfires ravage Karsiyaka, Urla

The wildfire has inflicted severe damage on local communities, particularly in Karsiyaka, where it first erupted in the Yamanlar Karatepe area.

The fire has consumed over 1,600 hectares of land, with 16 homes destroyed and over 100 homes and 45 businesses evacuated. The flames have not only threatened residential areas but have also disrupted businesses, leaving many wondering when they will be able to return.

Survival guide to Izmir's escalating wildfire as firefighting efforts intensify
The areas damaged in the forest fire that broke out in the Yamanlar Karatepe area of Izmir’s Karsiyaka district were captured from the air, Izmir, Türkiye, August 17, 2024 (AA Photo)

In Urla, the situation remains dire as a fire near the Balikliova neighborhood has led to the evacuation of a 440-home residential complex. This fire, sparked by a downed power line, spread rapidly due to high winds and dry conditions.

Governor Suleyman Elban explained, “We evacuated most residents by road, but 34 residents who refused to leave had to be evacuated by sea due to dangerous conditions on the roads.”

Survival guide to Izmir's escalating wildfire as firefighting efforts intensify
Citizens and teams continue to work to extinguish the forest fire that broke out in Balikliova in Izmir’s Urla district, Türkiye on August 17, 2024. (AA Photo)

Intensive firefighting operations across multiple districts

Firefighting operations are in full swing across Izmir, with multiple agencies, including the Izmir Forest Regional Directorate, AFAD, and local fire departments, working tirelessly to control the blaze.

A combination of aerial and ground-based strategies is being employed to combat the flames. Helicopters equipped with night vision are being used in Karsiyaka to continue operations after dark, with firefighting teams battling against challenging conditions, including rugged terrain and strong winds.

Despite these efforts, new fires have emerged in the Menderes and Urla districts, further straining resources. “The wind is our biggest enemy right now,” said a firefighter. “It’s making it extremely difficult to control the spread of the fire.”

Survival guide to Izmir's escalating wildfire as firefighting efforts intensify
Citizens and teams continue to work to extinguish the forest fire that broke out in Balikliova in Izmir’s Urla district, Türkiye on August 17, 2024. (AA Photo)

Human negligence behind Izmir wildfires as arrests are made

Authorities have identified human negligence as the cause of several fires in the region. In Karsiyaka, three individuals allegedly started the fire while lighting a campfire. The police are actively searching for these suspects, while the Interior Minister, Ali Yerlikaya, confirmed the arrest of seven individuals in connection with the fires across Izmir.

“We are actively pursuing all leads and will hold those responsible accountable,” Yerlikaya stated.

The ongoing investigation and arrests highlight the severe consequences of negligent behavior, especially during a period of high fire risk.

Survival guide to Izmir's escalating wildfire as firefighting efforts intensify
Citizens and teams continue to work to extinguish the forest fire that broke out in Balikliova in Izmir’s Urla district, Türkiye on August 17, 2024. (AA Photo)

Necessary precautionary measures as wildfires persist in Türkiye

Authorities are urging residents and visitors to take necessary precautions to protect themselves and their properties as the wildfire situation remains critical.

The following steps are essential:

  1. Stay updated and heed evacuation orders: Residents must regularly monitor local news and heed any evacuation orders issued by authorities. Quick compliance with these orders can be life-saving.
  2. Prepare homes against fire risks: Residents should remove combustible materials from around their homes, close all windows and doors, and ensure that vents are sealed to prevent drafts from feeding the fire. These actions can significantly reduce the risk of the fire spreading to homes.
  3. Evacuation planning and emergency preparedness: It is crucial to have an evacuation plan in place, know the routes, and keep a go-bag ready with essentials. If authorities call for an evacuation, residents should leave immediately. “There’s no time to waste when it comes to evacuations,” emphasized a safety official.
  4. Wear protective clothing and take shelter: If caught in the path of a fire, wearing protective clothing such as long sleeves and sturdy shoes can protect against embers and heat. If evacuation is not possible, seek shelter in water bodies or low-lying areas with minimal vegetation.
  5. Avoid activities that could spark fires: With current dry and windy conditions, residents must avoid activities that could start a fire, such as smoking or using open flames in wooded areas. Properly extinguishing campfires and barbecues is critical to prevent further incidents.
Survival guide to Izmir's escalating wildfire as firefighting efforts intensify
Citizens and teams continue to work to extinguish the forest fire that broke out in Balikliova in Izmir’s Urla district, Türkiye on August 17, 2024. (AA Photo)

Community in Izmir shows resilience as emergency response intensifies

The community in Izmir has shown remarkable resilience and solidarity despite the ongoing crisis. Residents have come together to support one another, offering shelter and supplies to those displaced by the fires.

“The community response has been overwhelming,” said a local volunteer. “People are opening their homes to strangers, and everyone is doing what they can to help.”

Emergency response teams are working tirelessly, often risking their lives to protect others. The government has deployed additional resources, including firefighting equipment and personnel, to assist with efforts.

Governor Suleyman Elban emphasized the commitment to fighting the fires: “We will continue to fight these fires with everything we have.”

Survival guide to Izmir's escalating wildfire as firefighting efforts intensify
Firefighters continue to work to extinguish the forest fire that broke out in Balikliova in Izmir’s Urla district, Türkiye on August 17, 2024. (AA Photo)

Long-term challenges, path to recovery after Izmir wildfires

As firefighting efforts continue, authorities warn that the situation could remain critical for several more days. The combination of dry conditions, high temperatures, and strong winds could allow the fires to spread further before they are fully contained. The immediate focus remains on ensuring the safety of residents and containing the fires, but the long-term impact on the environment and the local economy will be significant.

The fires have not only destroyed vast areas of forest and agricultural land but have also disrupted the livelihoods of many residents, particularly those in the tourism sector. Recovery will take time, and the full extent of the damage may not be known for weeks or months.

Last Updated:  Aug 18, 2024 4:00 PM