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New school year kicks off in Türkiye, traffic surge expected

Traffic police Traffic police inspecting a school bus. (AA Photo)
By Newsroom
Sep 8, 2024 1:12 PM

The 2024-2025 school year for elementary and middle schools under the Ministry of National Education will start Sept. 9.

The new term will kick off with an opening lesson themed “From Gallipoli to Gaza: The Spirit of Independence and Love for the Homeland.”

Over 20 million students in Türkiye will resume their studies.

The governorships are taking measures to prepare for the expected traffic density on Sept. 9.

Innovations, measures

  • New Curriculum: Under the Türkiye Century Education Model, the new curriculum will be implemented for preschool, 1st, 5th, and 9th grades for the first time. The new textbooks will incorporate digital supports and simplify lesson contents by 35%.
  • Vocational, technical education: The establishment of craft workshops, vocational middle schools, and sports high schools will strengthen vocational and technical education.
  • Common exams: The scope of common exams will be expanded to include 7th and 10th grades.
  • Environmental measures: Students will plant and maintain trees, encouraging energy efficiency and eco-friendly practices.

Transportation, security measures in Istanbul

  • School hours: Istanbul Governorate has announced that schools will open at 10:00 a.m. on September 9, 2024, with classes ending at 3:00 p.m. on the first day. For the first time, 715,835 students will begin their education in their new schools. The goal of this adjustment is to alleviate traffic congestion. 
  • Public transportation: Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality (IBB) will provide free public transportation and first-day free service for school buses through Ispark.
  • Additional services: IETT and Metro Istanbul will run additional services, and Sehir Hatlari will offer extra ferry trips.
  • Security measures: Traffic and security measures will be increased. A total of 259 municipal police officers and 204 law enforcement officers will be deployed in schools. Additionally, 338 teams will conduct inspections at 532 points, focusing on school buses.

Student holiday schedule

  • First term break: Will start on November 11, 2024, and last for nine days.
  • Second term: Will begin on February 3, 2025, with a midterm break on March 31, 2025.
  • End of school year: The school year will end on June 20, 2025.
Last Updated:  Sep 8, 2024 1:12 PM