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‘Unconquered’ Turkish castle still captivates 8 centuries later

'Unconquered' Turkish castle still captivates 8 centuries later Divrigi district, which had a very strategic importance in the 1200s, castle built on a hill overlooking the district, Sivas, Türkiye, July 30, 2024 (IHA Photo)
By Koray Erdogan
Jul 30, 2024 3:48 PM

Divrigi Castle, the “Unconquered Fortress” that once guarded Anatolia, continues to captivate visitors centuries after its strategic heyday. The imposing structure, believed to be the first Turkish castle in the region, played a pivotal role in the 1200s.

Historical significance, architectural features

Throughout history, Divrigi has hosted numerous civilizations and is renowned for its architectural structures. In addition to the Divrigi Great Mosque and Darussiffa (Hospital), Kale Mosque, and mansions, which are listed as UNESCO World Heritage Sites, Divrigi Castle also stands out as a key historical structure.

'Unconquered' Turkish castle still captivates 8 centuries later
Divrigi Castle, a historic fortress built in the 1200s, strategically overlooks the Divrigi district in Sivas, Türkiye, July 30, 2024. (IHA Photo)

The castle’s strategic location protects the district while its rugged surroundings act as a barrier against external threats.

Divrigi Castle, after undergoing restoration work, is now open to visitors.

Expert Art Historian Yunus Budaktas notes, “Divriği Castle was built in 1230, situated on a high hill to the east of the district center. The builders of the castle are the same as those who constructed the Divriği Great Mosque, as indicated by historical records and the construction techniques used in both structures. The excavation work that began in 2006 under the leadership of professor Erdal Eser from Sivas Cumhuriyet University continued until 2018, revealing many significant findings.”

Excavation results and historical data

Budaktas mentions that there were residential areas within the castle, stating, “Evliya Celebi’s Seyahatname provides important information about Divriği Castle. He described various residential areas, special houses, water cisterns, grain storage facilities, an administrative center, and a palace within the castle walls. Archaeological excavations confirm these details. Additionally, artifacts from the Urartian period uncovered during the excavations extend the historical timeline of both Divriği and Anatolia.”

'Unconquered' Turkish castle still captivates 8 centuries later
Divrigi district, which had a very strategic importance in the 1200s, castle built on a hill overlooking the district, Sivas, Türkiye, July 30, 2024 (IHA Photo)

Historical process, cultural contributions of Divrigi

The history of Divrigi traces back to the period of the Pavlikans. After this period, the region came under Byzantine rule and later fell under Turkish control as Anatolia was conquered.

The Mengucek Beyligi contributed significantly to the area’s cultural and historical heritage. Divrigi eventually came under Ottoman control, adding to its rich historical narrative.

Divrigi Castle, with its architectural grandeur and historical depth, remains an important cultural heritage, bridging the past and the present. Through ongoing restoration and archaeological work, the castle continues to open doors to history for visitors, reflecting Anatolia’s rich historical legacy.

Last Updated:  Jul 30, 2024 3:48 PM