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Türkiye’s 7.5 million-year-old fossil discoveries shape global paleontology narrative

7.5 million-year-old fossil Excavation work around the Yamula dam, Kayseri, Türkiye, July 11, 2024. (AA Photo)
By Koray Erdogan
Dec 13, 2024 4:48 PM

Ongoing fossil excavations in Kayseri, supported by Kayseri Metropolitan Municipality, continue to shed light on the global paleontology history with discoveries dating back 7.5 million years.

Laboratory and mounting efforts are ongoing, unveiling remarkable findings that place this excavation site as one of the most diverse fossil localities in Anatolia.

Türkiye's 7.5 million-year-old fossil discoveries shape global paleontology narrative
Excavation work around the Yamula dam, Kayseri, Türkiye, July 11, 2024. (AA Photo)

Significant discoveries near Yamula Dam

Located in the Kocasinan district near the Yamula Dam, fossil excavations have been ongoing since September 2018, with permissions from the Directorate General of Cultural Heritage and Museums and the sponsorship of the Kayseri Museum and Kayseri Metropolitan Municipality.

These efforts have unearthed critical fossil discoveries from 7.5 million years ago, offering insights into the region’s rich ancient past. This excavation has revealed a site with the largest variety of fossils in Anatolia and has uncovered a new mega-fauna locality in the region.

Unique 7.5 million-year-old fossil remains unearthed

The fossil remains discovered at the Yamula Dam locality include species that are unparalleled globally. These fossils include horses, antelopes, proboscideans, carnivores, rhinoceroses, giraffes, pigs, turtles, and rodents.

The area, once a tropical environment, transitioned to a subtropical climate around 7.5 million years ago during the Late Miocene period, bringing grassland and savanna vegetation into prominence. The findings reveal an extensive spread of grassland and savanna flora across the region during this time.

Mounting processes underway for rare fossils

As the excavation season concludes, laboratory and mounting efforts are accelerating. The first phase of mounting has commenced with rhinoceros, giraffe, and elephant specimens. Yamula Fossil localities are quickly gaining recognition not just in Türkiye but also on an international scale as an important paleontological site.

The ongoing excavation and mounting processes continue to solidify the importance of these findings, helping to redefine the paleontological history of the region and the world. The remarkable discoveries at Yamula are poised to make a significant contribution to global paleontological research and understanding.

The 7.5 million-year-old fossil discoveries at the Yamula Dam locality in Kayseri provide invaluable insights into ancient life in Anatolia. With ongoing excavations and mounting efforts, this site is set to become a leading paleontological center, contributing to global scientific knowledge.

Last Updated:  Dec 13, 2024 4:48 PM