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Mystery alphabet at Türkiye’s Cem Castle could reshape Anatolian history

Mystery alphabet The mysterious text inscribed on the walls of Cem Castle in Sumbas district, Osmaniye, remains unsolved. The inscription, written in an unidentified language and alphabet, awaits deciphering, Türkiye, September 13, 2024 (IHA Photo)
By Newsroom
Sep 15, 2024 10:51 AM

The mysterious alphabet text inscribed on the walls of Cem Castle in Osmaniye’s Sumbas district remains an enigma.

The inscription, found on a sheer cliff within Mehmetli Village, has puzzled scholars as its language and alphabet remain unidentified.

Mystery alphabet

Cem Castle, perched atop a rugged cliff, is renowned for its mysterious inscriptions that have yet to be deciphered.

The castle features inscriptions in an unknown alphabet across three different points on its walls.

Despite extensive research, the origins of this alphabet and the content of the inscriptions remain a mystery.

Mystery alphabet
The mysterious text inscribed on the walls of Cem Castle in Sumbas district, Osmaniye, remains unsolved, Türkiye, September 13, 2024 (IHA Photo)

Potential historical impact

Researcher, historian, and author Yurdaer Yanik highlights the significance of solving this enigma. “If the undeciphered mysterious alphabet is resolved, Cukurova’s history could be rewritten,” Yanik asserted.

“Cem Castle, strategically located on a trade route, served as a well-fortified medieval fortress. During the Ottoman period, it was known as Vannos Castle. The castle walls feature three separate inscriptions, whose mystery remains unsolved. The texts are written in an unknown language, and their content is still unknown,” Yanik said.

The historian further said that some of the letters resemble those used by the Scythian Turks, though it is not Scythian script, while others resemble the Gokturk alphabet.

“Deciphering these inscriptions could potentially revolutionize our understanding of Cukurova’s history,” Yanik further highlighted.

He also invited scientists and academics to investigate the inscriptions further, emphasizing their potential to uncover new historical insights.

Last Updated:  Sep 15, 2024 10:51 AM