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King’s Day celebration marks century of Dutch-Turkish friendship in Marmaris

By Selin Hacialioglu
Apr 30, 2024 10:22 AM

Dutch Ambassador Joep Wijnands emphasizes the substantial Turkish community in the Netherlands and the importance of cooperation within NATO during King’s Day celebration in Marmaris

King Willem Alexander’s birthday served as the backdrop for a vibrant King’s Day celebration in Marmaris, which also commemorated the deep-rooted ties between the Netherlands and Türkiye, spanning over 400 years.

Hosted by the Netherlands’ Honorary Consulate at a local hotel, the event saw the gathering of notable figures, including Mugla Governor Idris Akbiyik, Marmaris District Governor Nurullah Kaya, and the Dutch Ambassador to Türkiye Joep Wijnands accompanied by his spouse Carmen van Toorenburg.

Ambassador Wijnands delivered a poignant speech, explaining the day’s significance: “Today, we celebrate not just our King’s birthday but also a century of partnership that has only grown stronger with time,” he stated. He also emphasized the substantial Turkish community in the Netherlands, describing it as “one of the largest and most successful Turkish communities outside of Türkiye, a vibrant group nearly half a million strong.”

The celebration prominently featured the color orange, symbolic of the Dutch royal family, and tulips, which Ambassador Wijnands noted as a cherished symbol brought from the Ottoman Empire to the Netherlands centuries ago.

“The tulip remains a beloved symbol of our nation, thanks to its origins from the Ottoman lands,” he remarked.

In his remarks, Wijnands gratefully acknowledged Türkiye’s support for the Dutch candidate for the position of NATO secretary-general, underscoring the strategic partnership within the alliance.

“We deeply appreciate Türkiye’s support in these challenging geopolitical times and value our close cooperation within NATO,” he said.

The ambassador further celebrated the environmental and bilateral ties with the “Dutch-Turkish Friendship Forest.” He joyfully announced the donation of an additional 10,000 trees and said, “Building on our previous donation, we are delighted to contribute another 10,000 trees, making a total of 20,000, to strengthen our friendship and aid in forest restoration.”

Last year, the Netherlands had a significant role in the earthquake relief efforts in Türkiye, contributing $160.5 million. This year, the centennial of the Dutch-Turkish Friendship Treaty is marked with an enriched cultural agenda. “We are supporting a series of concerts and exhibitions to celebrate this 100-year milestone of our friendship,” Wijnands added.

Governor Akbiyik thanked the Netherlands for their ongoing support, especially in reforestation initiatives, asserting the importance of such collaborative efforts in fostering a sustainable relationship.

Source: Newsroom

Last Updated:  May 31, 2024 7:27 PM