How Hittite chariots challenged ancient Egypt’s power

The Anatolia’s Hittite army, advancing after their enemies, appeared unstoppable as they clashed with Egypt in one of the largest chariot battles in history.
During the reign of Ramses II, or shortly thereafter, the truth must have been crystal clear to an Egyptian noble: the mighty Pharaoh had declared war against the Hittites in 1275 B.C. in an epic assault to reclaim ancient imperial lands in Syria and won what was later known as the Battle of Kadesh.

Ramses: Master of both war and public relations
Ramses was not only an expert in warfare but also a master of public relations. Modern historians now know that the Battle of Kadesh was not a clear victory for Egypt but was, in fact, almost certainly a draw.
The Hittites, rulers of an empire that spanned much of modern-day Türkiye and parts of Syria, were formidable and respected opponents.

Hittite chariots: A symbol of power
Hittites, although based in their fortified capital, Hattusa (located about 210 kilometers, or 0.6 miles, east of modern-day Ankara), had gained partial regional dominance through their expertise in chariot warfare. Facing thousands of Hittite chariots at Kadesh was surely a point of pride for Ramses.
The Lion Gate, one of the entrances to the Hittite capital Hattusa, was reconstructed and strengthened by King Suppiluliuma I after it had been damaged in the early 14th century B.C.
The Egyptians’ official records of the “victory” at Kadesh, written in the “Poem of Pentaur,” can be found inscribed on Ramses’ temples, including those in Abu Simbel in southern Egypt. The poem describes how “King Muwatalli of the Hittites sent men and horses as numerous as the sands and how Ramses’ chariot drivers were astonished but did not waver in their resolve.”
Greatest chariot battle in history
The war between the Hittites and Egyptians is regarded by historians as the greatest chariot battle in history. This extraordinary clash would help pave the way for the Hittites to become a major regional power in the years that followed.

Rise and fall of the Hittites
Many scholars believe that the Hittite people, ancestors of the Hittites, originally lived in Central Asia before settling in Anatolia around the third millennium B.C. In this period, the region was inhabited by speakers of different languages, such as the Hattians and Hurrians, who were later joined by the Hittites. The Hittite language belonged to the Indo-European family of languages.
By the 17th century B.C., under King Labarnas I, the Hittites were emerging as a growing military power. His son, Labarnas II, made Hattusa the capital, renaming it Hattusili in honor of the new royal center. While his father strengthened the Hittite state, Hattusili expanded it eastward to the borders of the Hurrian-speaking Mitanni Empire.
However, Hattusili’s regional growth was followed by a period of decline and civil war. Hittite princesses fought one another, and the kingdom’s enemies succeeded in overcoming the tough victories of Hattusili.
King Telepinu and standardization of royal succession
In the 16th century B.C., King Telepinu’s edict standardized the royal succession, laying the foundation for future Hittite culture and providing valuable sources for historians. Despite Telepinu’s attempts to restore order and bring power back to the Hittites, weak leaders followed him during what historians call the Old Hittite Kingdom.

The Hittite chariot design, military prowess
The Hittites’ military success in chariot warfare was a critical factor in their rise to power. The first war chariots appeared around 3,000 B.C. in Mesopotamia, quite different from the later horse-drawn chariots of Ancient Greece and Rome. The earliest prototypes were typically equipped with four monoblock wheels and were originally designed for processions and funerary rites, not battle. These vehicles were pulled not by horses but by oxen, donkeys, or mules.
A detailed depiction of a chariot drawn by mules or donkeys can be seen on the “Standard of Ur,” dated to around 2,600 B.C. This early form of the chariot would go on to dominate Bronze Age conflicts.
The evolution of war chariots
The beginning of the 2nd millennium B.C. marked a period of rapid change in chariot design. Horses were first used as draft animals, and wheels became lighter, eventually replacing monoblock wheels with spoked wheels, similar to modern bicycle wheels. This advancement in chariot technology allowed for greater speed and maneuverability, making chariots a crucial military asset during the Bronze Age.
The Hittites, like the Egyptians, began using two-wheeled chariots for military purposes. By 1,650 B.C., during the reign of King Hattusili, the Hittites employed 30 chariots to face 80 chariots from the Hurrians during the siege of Urshu. Over the following centuries, the Hittites’ chariot forces would grow from dozens to hundreds and eventually thousands.

Chariot diplomacy and the Hittite Empire
Hittite chariot design developments coincided with the rise of the Hittite Empire as a powerful force in the Eastern Mediterranean.
These chariots, capable of surprise maneuvers, played a pivotal role in King Suppiluliuma’s conquest of Syria in the 14th century B.C. and helped solidify Hittite regional dominance.
A letter from an Egyptian queen to Suppiluliuma, asking him to send one of his sons for marriage, marked the Hittites’ return as a dominant power in the region. The sudden death of the Pharaoh, most likely Tutankhamun (although some scholars believe it could have been Akhenaten), led to tensions.
The queen’s request was met with the tragic death of Suppiluliuma’s son, who was killed by a group of Egyptians opposing the marriage, signaling a downturn in Hittite-Egyptian relations.
Legacy of Hittite chariot warfare
The story of the Hittite chariot forces and their impact on warfare left a lasting legacy. The power they wielded through their military advancements and chariot expertise played a major role in shaping the course of ancient history, ensuring that the Hittites remained a formidable force for centuries.