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Türkiye’s cultural heritage takes center stage at Croatia’s International Lace Festival

Türkiye's cultural heritage takes center stage at Croatia's International Lace Festival 28th International Lace Festival in Lepoglava, Croatia, has opened its doors with Türkiye as the partner country, September 14, 2024 (AA Photo)
By Newsroom
Sep 15, 2024 10:10 AM

The 28th International Lace Festival, where Türkiye is the partner country this year, has opened its doors to visitors in Lepoglava, Croatia.

Organized under the patronage of Croatian President Zoran Milanovic and with the collaboration of the Turkish Embassy in Zagreb, Yunus Emre Institute (YEE), Turkish Airlines (THY), the Zagreb Turkish Minority Representation and Izmir Olgunlasma Institute, the festival showcases intricate Turkish lace, drawing attention to Türkiye’s rich cultural heritage.

International Lace Festival
28th International Lace Festival in Lepoglava, Croatia, opened its doors with Türkiye as the partner country, on September 14, 2024. (AA Photo)

The Lepoglava lace, inscribed on UNESCO’s cultural heritage list in 2009, is a highlight of the festival.

At the opening ceremony, Fuat Korkmaz, the coordinator of YEE Zagreb, emphasized the institute’s ongoing efforts to strengthen cultural ties between the two nations, offering visitors the opportunity to explore Türkiye’s deep cultural traditions.

Mayor of Lepoglava, Marijan Skvaric, spoke about the lace tradition being passed down through generations in the region, expressing honor that Türkiye is the partner country this year.

Türkiye's cultural heritage takes center stage at Croatia's International Lace Festival
28th International Lace Festival in Lepoglava, Croatia, opened its doors with Türkiye as the partner country, on September 14, 2024 (AA Photo)

The Turkish Lace Exhibition, organized by Izmir Olgunlasma Institute, is one of the main attractions.

Additionally, visitors can indulge in the rich flavors of Turkish cuisine, as traditional dishes are presented alongside lace displays.

With lace from 15 countries featured at the event, this international gathering celebrates the shared heritage of craftsmanship.

The festival will also host lace workshops and offer musical performances, including a concert by Turkish pianist Tutu Aydınoglu, ensuring a culturally enriching experience for all attendees.

As Türkiye takes the spotlight at this year’s International Lace Festival, visitors are offered a unique window into the country’s rich artistic and cultural heritage.

From traditional lace to world-class cuisine and music, Türkiye’s presence promises to leave a lasting impression on the international audience.

Last Updated:  Sep 15, 2024 10:10 AM