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Turkish Central Bank signs cooperation pacts with Brazil and Kazakhstan

By Selin Atay
Apr 20, 2024 7:00 PM

Türkiye’s Central Bank signs memorandums of understanding with Brazil and Kazakhstan to enhance cooperation

Türkiye’s Central Bank announced the signing of two separate memorandums of understanding with the central banks of Brazil and Kazakhstan to enhance cooperation.

According to a statement released on Saturday, the memorandums were signed by the national bank governors in Washington on Friday.

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Turkish and Brazilian central banks aspire to foster cooperation and carry out corporate technical activities in the field of central banking, it said.
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National Bank of Kazakhstan

The memorandum with the Central Bank of Kazakhstan was signed in Washington by Turkish Central Bank Governor Fatih Karahan and Timur Suleimenov, head of the National Bank of Kazakhstan.

This agreement was also aimed to enhance cooperation and conduct technical work within the institutional framework in central banking.

Source: Newsroom


Last Updated:  May 28, 2024 4:24 PM