Global ‘Sustainable Retailer of the Year’ award goes to DeFacto

Retail & Leisure International magazine awarded the “Sustainable Retailer of the Year” to DeFacto, a Turkish clothing retailer, at the Global RLI Awards 2024.
The award was presented to DeFacto CEO Ihsan Ates and the Sustainability Team at a ceremony held in London, UK, according to a company statement.
Since 2004, DeFacto has implemented its sustainability approach across all aspects of its operations, from production and supply processes to product design and customer interaction. The company published its first integrated sustainability report in 2024 and announced the launch of its sustainable vegan collections, laying the foundation for DeFacto’s strategic steps toward the future.
The company aims for 90% of its collections to be sustainable by 2030, along with a 55% reduction in its carbon footprint with net-zero emissions and eventually transition to a climate-positive status.