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Future of healthcare: Türkiye’s role in longevity, biotechnology breakthroughs

Future of healthcare: Türkiye’s role in longevity, biotechnology breakthroughs Türkiye has become one of the leaders of the future of healthcare innovation. (Adobe Stock Photo)
By Selin Hacialioglu
Sep 1, 2024 2:23 PM

Artificial intelligence (AI) and emerging technologies have already begun to reshape the world around us. From automating content creation to solving complex logistical challenges, and even influencing the way we interact with the digital world, their impact is undeniable.

But as these innovations permeate various aspects of our lives, a more profound question arises: can these advancements also revolutionize the future of healthcare? Could we be on the brink of an era where living longer, healthier lives is no longer a distant dream but a tangible reality?

In Türkiye, where a blend of tradition and cutting-edge technology coexists, these questions are not just hypothetical.

The country is rapidly embracing advancements in biotechnology, AI, and personalized medicine, positioning itself as a key player in the global race to extend human life and enhance its quality.

Future of healthcare: Türkiye’s role in longevity, biotechnology breakthroughs
Türkiye has a growing influence as a global destination for advanced healthcare and longevity treatments (Adobe Stock Photo)

Türkiye’s growing expertise in longevity research, healthcare innovation

Türkiye is increasingly becoming a significant player in the global healthcare sector, particularly in longevity research. Driven by remarkable advancements in biotechnology and personalized medicine, the country is making strides that could significantly influence life expectancy and healthcare outcomes worldwide.

Dr. Ender Dulundu from Istanbul University highlights the dramatic changes in global life expectancy: “In the 19th century, the global average life expectancy was around 28 to 32 years. By 2019, it had reached 73.4 years, and recent studies indicate that this number has now surpassed 80 years.”

This remarkable improvement reflects Türkiye’s commitment to integrating cutting-edge medical technologies into its healthcare system.

These advancements, particularly in gene technology, have played a crucial role in reducing mortality rates from diseases like cancer, contributing to a global decrease in death rates from such illnesses.

Future of healthcare: Türkiye’s role in longevity, biotechnology breakthroughs
Future of healthcare: How biotechnology is pushing the boundaries of medicine, contributing to longer, healthier lives. (Adobe Stock Photo)

Role of personalized medicine in extending life, improving quality of life

Longevity research in Türkiye is not just about increasing the number of years one lives; it’s about improving the quality of those years. Personalized medicine is at the forefront of these healthcare innovations.

This approach tailors medical treatment to the individual characteristics of each patient, leading to more effective and efficient healthcare solutions.

Dr. Meral Gunaldi from Medicana Atakoy explained: “The average lifespan is increasing because of significant advancements in treating chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension and heart disease.”

These diseases once considered major killers, are now more manageable thanks to personalized treatment plans that take into account a patient’s genetic makeup, lifestyle, and other individual factors.

This shift toward personalized medicine not only extends life expectancy but also enhances the quality of life by reducing the complications and side effects associated with traditional, one-size-fits-all treatments.

Future of healthcare: Türkiye’s role in longevity, biotechnology breakthroughs
Artificial Intelligence’s role in improving diagnostics and treatment precision in neurology. (Adobe Stock Photo)

Advances in regenerative medicine: Repairing, replacing damaged tissues

Regenerative medicine is another area where Türkiye is making significant contributions. This field focuses on repairing or replacing damaged tissues and organs, offering the potential to extend life even further.

By using stem cells and other regenerative technologies, scientists are developing new treatments that could one day reverse the effects of aging and age-related diseases.

These therapies hold great promise, particularly in treating conditions such as heart disease and neurodegenerative disorders.

By integrating these cutting-edge therapies into mainstream healthcare, Türkiye is positioning itself as a leader in the field of longevity.

Future of healthcare: Türkiye’s role in longevity, biotechnology breakthroughs
Türkiye’s commitment to advancing longevity research through innovative medical practices. (Adobe Stock Photo)

Global impact of Türkiye’s healthcare advancements

Türkiye’s advancements in biotechnology and healthcare are part of a broader global movement towards integrating AI and advanced technologies in medicine. This global shift is driven by the need to address the growing burden of chronic diseases and the rising costs of healthcare worldwide.

One of the most promising areas of research is the use of AI in clinical decision-support systems. These systems are designed to improve care quality and patient safety by analyzing large amounts of data and providing healthcare providers with actionable insights.

AI’s advanced pattern recognition capabilities allow for more informed, personalized treatment recommendations, particularly in high-value use cases like chronic disease management.

For example, AI-based tools like Rapid Aneurysm have been used successfully by institutions such as the Mayo Clinic to enhance clinical decision-making by accurately identifying aneurysm enlargement that might not be detected by standard methods, offering a new level of precision in patient care.

Future of healthcare: Türkiye’s role in longevity, biotechnology breakthroughs
Advanced biotechnology research is the backbone of innovative treatments, paving the way for longer and healthier lives. (Adobe Stock Photo)

Future of healthcare: Drug discovery, development with AI at helm

Another area where AI is making a significant impact is in drug discovery and development. The process of bringing new drugs to market is notoriously expensive and time-consuming, often taking billions of dollars and decades of research.

However, AI is revolutionizing this process by enhancing everything from process optimization to predictive maintenance and quality control.

AI models can sift through vast datasets to identify novel drug targets, reducing the time and resources required for drug discovery.

In recent studies, AI has been shown to design novel molecules for various applications, showcasing its potential to speed up the drug development process and respond to global health crises.

Future of healthcare: Türkiye’s role in longevity, biotechnology breakthroughs
How advanced technologies are reshaping medical research and patient care. (Adobe Stock Photo)

AI enhancing patient care through electronic health records

The integration of AI into electronic health records (EHRs) is another significant advancement in healthcare. EHRs contain vast amounts of information about a patient’s health, but making this data accessible and actionable has been a challenge for healthcare providers.

AI is helping to overcome these hurdles by automating aspects of the EHR workflow, reducing clinician burnout, and improving patient care.

Natural language processing (NLP) tools, for example, are being used to quickly extract relevant information from patient records, helping clinicians find what they need more efficiently.

This not only saves time but also reduces the risk of errors that could compromise patient safety.

Future of healthcare: Türkiye’s role in longevity, biotechnology breakthroughs
Genetic research and DNA analysis play crucial roles in the development of personalized medicine, contributing to the future of healthcare. (Adobe Stock Photo)

AI’s contribution to genomics, precision medicine

Genomics has become a critical component of precision medicine, allowing for a more personalized approach to treatment. By analyzing a patient’s genetic data, healthcare providers can identify specific risks and tailor treatments to the individual.

AI plays a crucial role in this process by handling the large, complex datasets involved in genomic analysis.

In a notable study, researchers used an AI tool to conduct real-time genomic profiling of gliomas, a type of brain tumor, during surgery.

This tool provided surgeons with crucial information about the tumor’s molecular identity, allowing them to make more informed decisions about how much tissue to remove and whether to administer drugs directly to the brain during the procedure.

Future of healthcare: Türkiye’s role in longevity, biotechnology breakthroughs
Researchers and healthcare professionals collaborate to develop personalized treatment plans that incorporate dietary and lifestyle changes. (Adobe Stock Photo)

Türkiye’s pioneering role in regenerative, personalized medicine

Türkiye’s commitment to integrating AI and biotechnology into its healthcare system is setting the stage for even greater advancements in the years to come.

The country’s focus on regenerative medicine, personalized treatment, and the use of AI in clinical decision-making is already showing promising results, both in terms of extending life expectancy and improving the quality of life for its citizens.

Dr. Ali Yeniocak from Avrupa Safak Hospital emphasizes the growing importance of aesthetic and regenerative treatments in Türkiye: “As the population ages, there is a growing demand for treatments that not only extend life but also improve its quality.

The integration of regenerative medicine into mainstream healthcare is a significant step toward achieving this goal.”

As AI and biotechnology continue to advance, the future of healthcare looks increasingly promising.

Türkiye, with its growing expertise in longevity research and its commitment to integrating cutting-edge technologies into healthcare, is well-positioned to play a leading role in this global movement.

Last Updated:  Sep 12, 2024 11:11 AM