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Turkish aid worker detained in Madagascar

Turkish aid worker detained in Madagascar Ahmet Temel, the head of Volunteer Occasions Assistance and Solidarity Association. (Photo via AA)
By Newsroom
Aug 19, 2024 10:42 AM

Ahmet Temel, head of the Volunteer Facilitators Association, has been detained by the gendarmerie in Madagascar.

Temel, who has been conducting humanitarian work in the country for nearly five years, was taken into custody Sunday morning. Despite the passage of 24 hours, he has yet to be released, according to a statement from the association.

Humanitarian efforts disrupted by detention

The Volunteer Facilitators Association, active in Madagascar for the past five years, encountered significant obstacles while carrying out aid work in Toliara, located 900 kilometers from the capital. The six-member volunteer team was delivering essential services when they faced interference.

Temel was summoned to the police station under the orders of the prosecutor. After providing his statement, he was not released and was forced to spend the night in the station under what the association described as “inadequate conditions.”

Turkish aid worker detained in Madagascar
Protesters outside of the building where the aid worker was being held. (Photo via AA)

Local supporters protest outside police station

As a result of Temel’s extended detention, the humanitarian activities in the region have come to a standstill. The suspension of daily services, including the distribution of hot meals, clean water, bread, and various other forms of aid, has left many in need.

In response, those affected by the halt in aid gathered outside the police station to show their support for Temel. However, the demonstration was swiftly dispersed by the police.

Following the incident, the Turkish Embassy in Antananarivo stepped in. The embassy is currently in communication with local authorities, and discussions are ongoing to resolve the situation.

Last Updated:  Aug 19, 2024 10:42 AM