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Gaza conflict leads to chaos in Israeli army

Gaza conflict leads to chaos in Israeli army Relatives and friends of Israeli soldier Yossi Cohen, who was killed by Palestinian gunman, in Israeli-occupied West Bank, Jerusalem, December 14, 2018 (Reuters Photo)
By Newsroom
Aug 13, 2024 5:03 PM

Former head of the Israeli Military Complaints Department, Ishak Brik, has issued a stark warning about the dire state of the Israeli military amid the ongoing conflict in Gaza.

According to a report by Iran’s official news agency, IRNA, Brik stated that the war in Gaza has plunged the army into a catastrophic situation, with soldiers turning on each other, lacking any sense of discipline or order.

Brik emphasized, “Our soldiers are killing each other. There is no law, no discipline, no command.” He further criticized the chaotic nature of the military operations, stating, “Soldiers are firing wherever they please, with no rules governing their actions. Everything said about this war is a lie.”

In an article published in the Tel Aviv-based Ma’ariv newspaper, Brik also expressed concern over the false reports being issued by the ruling cabinet regarding the situation on the Gaza front.

He accused the military’s communication and media units of misleading the Israeli public about the so-called victory in Gaza, warning that “the gap between the army’s reports and the realities on the ground in Gaza is dangerous and alarming.

Last Updated:  Aug 13, 2024 5:03 PM