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Israeli forces target Türkiye’s TRT Haber crew, cameraman injured

Israeli forces target Türkiye's TRT Haber crew, cameraman injured Israeli forces targeted the TRT Haber crew at Al-Aqsa Mosque before Friday prayers (Courtesy of TRT Haber)
By Newsroom
Jul 26, 2024 2:06 PM

Israeli soldiers targeted a crew from Türkiye’s TRT Haber during an attack on individuals heading to prayers at the Al-Aqsa Mosque gate in Jerusalem. The incident resulted in injuries to a TRT cameraman.

TRT Haber team was covering the violations of Israeli forces before Friday prayers at Al-Aqsa Mosque in occupied East Jerusalem.

Israeli forces first attacked Palestinians at the gate of Al-Aqsa. Then they targeted the TRT Haber team that was filming the attack.

Cameraman Omar Awwad was injured in the attack.

During the intervention, Israeli forces forcibly confiscated the phone of TRT Haber reporter Mucahit Aydemir, who stated that they were journalists and deleted the images on the phone.

The moment Israeli forces attack TRT Haber employees, Jerusalem, Palestine, July 26, 2024. (Video by TRT Haber)

Israeli forces then removed the TRT Haber team from the area and did not allow them to broadcast.

This is not the first attack by Israeli forces against the TRT Haber team. In the first month of Israel’s operations against Gaza, on Nov. 17, 2023, Israeli security forces again targeted the TRT Haber team. The Israeli police attacked the TRT Haber team after they reported on the obstruction and use of force by Israeli forces against Palestinians who went to Al-Aqsa Mosque before Friday prayers.

Israeli police are seen attacking the TRT Haber team in Jerusalem, which was covering the developments in the region, Jerusalem, Palestine, Nov. 17, 2023. (Video by TRT Haber)

After the Israeli police physically intervened in the TRT Haber team, which was only reporting what was happening in the region, the Israeli police broke the TRT Haber camera with the barrel of its gun.

TRT Haber reporter pointed out that Israel does not allow people to gather for prayers outside Al-Aqsa Mosque and said, “There is an obstruction and pressure everywhere.”

Israeli forces had previously prevented TRT Haber teams from reporting in the Gaza Strip and Jerusalem under various pretexts.

In the past eight months, Israeli security forces have continued to intervene in Al-Aqsa Mosque, especially during Friday prayers. In the meantime, they attack members of the press trying to take pictures in violation of international law.

Türkiye condemns attack on TRT Haber

Turkish Justice Minister Yılmaz Tunc condemned the attack on the TRT News team in a statement on social media.

“I strongly condemn the attack by the occupying Israeli forces on the TRT News team at the Al-Aqsa Mosque gate.

I wish a speedy recovery to the TRT cameraman who was injured in the attack and conveys my get-well-soon wishes to the TRT family.

Acting like a terrorist state, Israel deliberately targets journalists and tries to hide its massacres.

No matter what it does, occupying Israel will not be able to hide its genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes,” Tunc said.

Presidential Communications Director Fahrettin Altun condemned the attack by Israeli forces against TRT crew in Jerusalem.

In a statement made on his social media account, Altun stated that as we continue to show and tell the world about Israel’s barbarities and massacres, Israel’s persecution of journalists, whose duty is to pursue the truth, has increased even more, and noted the following:

“I strongly condemn and curse the despicable and cowardly attack by Israel’s armed bullies against the TRT Haber team, which reveals cruelty and tragedy with nothing but its camera and microphone in its hands.

Despite all the oppression and violence of this inhuman killer pack, Turkish media, especially TRT and Anadolu Agency, will continue to make the voice of the oppressed Palestinian people heard.”

Ruling AK Party Spokesperson and Deputy Chairman Omer Celik condemned the attack by Israeli forces against the TRT crew in Jerusalem.

In a statement made on his social media account, Celik expressed that they strongly condemned the aggression of Israeli forces against the TRT Haber team.

“TRT Haber, which carries the massacre and genocide of the Netanyahu government against the Palestinian people to the world public opinion and takes note of history, continues to serve on behalf of humanity.

TRT and Anadolu Agency will continue to announce the truth on behalf of humanity. The massacre regime in Israel will sooner or later be held accountable for its crimes against humanity.”

Vice President Cevdet Yilmaz condemned the attack by Israeli forces against TRT crew in Jerusalem.

In a statement on his social media account, Yilmaz said:

“I condemn the attack by the forces of the massacre regime in Israel on the TRT Haber crew, who were recording the violent acts of Palestinians trying to reach Al-Aqsa Mosque in occupied East Jerusalem.

I call on the international community not to remain silent and to stand in solidarity against the prevention of journalists who report Israel’s tyranny and massacres to the world with great effort and sacrifice and against the brutal targeting of press freedom.

I wish a speedy recovery to the TRT cameraman who was injured in the attack and convey my condolences to the TRT family.”

Interior Minister Ali Yerlikaya condemned the attack by Israeli forces against TRT crew in Jerusalem.

In a statement made on his social media account, Yerlikaya said:

“I strongly condemn Israel for attacking the TRT team in Jerusalem on the holy Friday, which was filming the persecution of our Palestinian brothers and sisters. Don’t be fooled by the applause of some people.

No matter what you do, you will be remembered as cruel and genocidal before history. I wish our cameraman brother who was attacked and the TRT family get well soon.

We will continue to stand by the oppressed and our Palestinian brothers and sisters.”

Turkish Grand National Assembly Speaker Numan Kurtulmus condemned the attack by Israeli forces against TRT crew in Jerusalem.

In a statement made on his social media account, Kurtulmus said:

“I condemn the treacherous attack carried out by Israeli security forces against the TRT Haber team on duty and wish our journalist friends and the TRT family a speedy recovery.

This despicable attack on our press members whose only goal is to inform the world about the crimes against humanity in Palestine in all its reality,

It has once again revealed the barbarism of the Israeli administration.”

Last Updated:  Sep 8, 2024 9:48 AM