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Leaked document reveals Iran’s security forces molested and killed teen protester

Leaked document reveals Iran's security forces molested and killed teen protester
By Selin Hacialioglu
May 1, 2024 2:26 PM

A leaked document publicized by BBC reveals that a 16-year-old protester in Iran was sexually assaulted, battered, and killed by three men working for Iran’s security forces

The circumstances surrounding the tragic death of 16-year-old Nika Shakarami in Tehran starkly contradict the Iranian government’s narrative, shedding light on the brutal methods employed by security forces.

Leaked documents from the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) reveal the grim details of molestation and murder, directly challenging the official claim that she committed suicide.

After actively participating in anti-government protests in late September 2022, Nika became a marked target for having boldly defied Iran’s compulsory dress code by burning hijabs during a demonstration. This act of defiance quickly drew the attention of security forces, leading to her tragic capture and death.

Team 12 of the IRGC, led by Morteza Jalil and including members Arash Kalhor, Sadegh Monjazy, and Behrooz Sadeghy, initially attempted to secure her in a temporary police camp. However, due to overcrowding and concerns about her potential influence on other detainees, they found themselves forced to leave. The commander of a nearby detention center explicitly stated, “The accused [Nika] was constantly swearing and chanting,” and expressed his concern that “she would cause a riot.”

Jalil then made the decision to transport Nika to Tehran’s notorious Evin Prison. During the journey, violence erupted in the van’s dark rear compartment. Behrooz Sadeghy provided a detailed account of the events, saying, “As soon as she had been put back into the van after being rejected by the detention center, Nika started to swear and shout.”

In an attempt to control her, “Arash Kalhor gagged her mouth with his socks, but she started struggling. Then Sadegh [Monjazy] laid her on the chest freezer and sat on her. The situation calmed.”

The calm, however, was short-lived. Kalhor added, “I don’t know what happened, but after a few minutes she started swearing. I couldn’t see anything; I could only hear fighting and bashing.” He also saw Monjazy engage in further assault, confessing, “I briefly turned on my phone torch and saw Sadegh Monjazy [had] put his hand inside her trousers.”

Monjazy responded to these accusations, suggesting that Kalhor’s claims were motivated by professional jealousy. He denied the more severe allegations but admitted he became “aroused” while sitting on her and touched Nika’s buttocks, and justified his actions by stating, “She kicked at my face, so I had to defend myself.”

The van eventually stopped, and Jalil, upon opening the rear door, discovered Nika’s lifeless body. He recounted the scene, “I cleaned the blood from her face and head, which were not in a good condition.”

Despite the evident violence, Jalil admitted his focus was elsewhere: “I was only thinking about how to transfer her and didn’t ask any questions of anyone. I only asked: Is she breathing? Behrooz Sadeghy answered, no, she is dead.'”

This horrific account, now supported by verified documents, contradicts the Iranian government’s assertions and highlights the severe crackdown on protesters, particularly women fighting for greater freedoms.

Source: Newsroom

Last Updated:  May 31, 2024 7:05 PM