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Turkish labor unions unite, demand urgent minimum wage increase

Turkish labor unions unite, demand urgent minimum wage increase At a press conference hosted by Turk-Is and attended by the heads of the three confederations, Turk-Is President Ergun Atalay (C), DISK President Arzu Cerkezoglu (right) and Hak-Is President Mahmut Arslan (L) make statements, Ankara, Türkiye, July 9, 2024. (AA Photo)
By Newsroom
Jul 10, 2024 12:50 PM

The debate over minimum wage increases in Türkiye, prominently pushed by the main opposition party, the Republican People’s Party (CHP), has expanded to involve the country’s labor unions.

Both right-wing and left-wing unions recently united to issue a joint statement emphasizing the critical need for a raise in the minimum wage.

During the announcement, criticism was leveled against the ruling Justice and Development Party (AK Party) government’s retirement and tax policies, emphasizing the urgent need for a raise in the minimum wage.

The Confederation of Revolutionary Workers’ Unions of Türkiye (DISK), the Confederation of Turkish Trade Unions (Turk-Is), and the Confederation of Public Workers’ Unions (Hak-Is) held a joint press conference at the Turk-Is Headquarters.

In their joint statement, the three union confederations stated, “* The minimum wage must be increased urgently.”

“Since any increase in the minimum wage affects the wage levels of all workers, it should directly impact all workers. The minimum wage, which should be exceptional, has become the average wage.”

Last Updated:  Jul 10, 2024 12:54 PM