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Erdogan may invite his once sworn enemy Syrian leader al-Assad to Türkiye

Erdogan may invite his once sworn enemy Syrian leader al-Assad to Türkiye Then-Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan meets with Syria's President Bashar Assad in Aleppo city Feb. 6, 2011. (Reuters Photo)
By Newsroom
Jul 5, 2024 2:43 PM

President Erdogan made important statements to journalists on the plane on his return from the SCO leaders summit in Astana, the capital of Kazakhstan. While Türkiye-Syria normalization came to the forefront in these statements, President Erdogan stated that he values Russia’s mediation and that he could invite Russian President Vladimir Putin and Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to Türkiye.

Referring to the need for Syrians to return to their country, President Erdogan said: “The winds of peace that will blow in Syria and the climate of peace that will prevail throughout Syria are also necessary for the return of millions of people scattered in various countries to their countries. We have always extended and will always extend our hand of friendship to our neighbor Syria. We will always stand by a prosperous, united and whole Syria that embraces a new social contract that is just, dignified and inclusive. As long as Syria starts this great embrace and recovers in every field.”

Referring to the simultaneous provocations in Kayseri and Syria, President Erdogan said, “It is not the countries but organizations such as PKK/PYD/YPG and DAESH that are disturbed. It is clear that they do not want such a meeting, they do not want Syria to rise again. But you know that there are many organizations in northern Syria. Among them, there are also those who want to quickly improve their relations with Türkiye. As a matter of fact, after the events in the north of Syria started, Mr. Abdurrahman Mustafa, the Prime Minister of the Syrian Interim Government, stepped in and quickly turned these negative developments into positive ones. In Türkiye, with the swift intervention of our security forces in the incident in Kayseri, the atmosphere calmed down and we received positive results on all sides as soon as possible. Even if such situations arise in our country for a short period of time, we will not allow them to prolong. The structures on the Syrian side, which are against terrorist organizations, will not allow such a situation.” He said.

There are racist groups who want to disrupt the climate of brotherhood in Türkiye
Stating that racist groups are behind the incidents in Kayseri, President Erdogan said, “Those who aim to disrupt the climate of brotherhood by creating racist movements in Türkiye are trying to fulfill the instructions they receive from dark centers.”

Answering the question whether an anti-terrorist operation will be organized in Syria and Iraq, President Erdogan stated that Türkiye has told its interlocutors about its sensitivities on the problem of terrorism and said, “We are saying something clear and clear and we will not step back from this. We did not, do not and will never allow a terrorist state to be established in our region.” Answering a question about efforts to restore Türkiye-Syria relations, President Erdogan said, “I already said on Friday, after the Friday prayers, that we can start a new process with Syria. We can extend an invitation to Putin and Bashar Assad. If Putin can pay a visit to Türkiye, this could be the beginning of a new process. All the years that have passed in the Syrian arena have clearly shown everyone that a permanent solution mechanism must be established. It is essential that Syria, whose infrastructure has been destroyed and whose people have been disorganized, gets back on its feet and the instability ends,” He said.

Pointing out that the activities of the PKK/YPG terrorist group destabilize the entire region, President Erdogan emphasized the importance of Syria’s territorial integrity and said:

It is a problem that the instability in the region gives terrorist organizations, especially the PKK/PYD/YPG, room for maneuver. It is important for the construction of Syria’s future that these terrorist organizations are eradicated indiscriminately and in cooperation. It is important to build Syria’s democratic infrastructure, to achieve an inclusive and dignified peace, and to approach all this on the basis of Syria’s territorial integrity.

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan

Referring to the need for Syrians to return to their country, President Erdogan said: “The winds of peace that will blow in Syria and the climate of peace that will prevail throughout Syria are also necessary for the return of millions of people scattered in various countries to their countries. We have always extended and will always extend our hand of friendship to our neighbor Syria. We will always stand by a prosperous, united and whole Syria that embraces a new social contract that is just, dignified and inclusive. As long as Syria starts this great embrace and recovers in every field.”

Last Updated:  Jul 13, 2024 1:57 AM