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Mitsotakis, Erdogan set to discuss future of Greek-Turkish relations

Mitsotakis, Erdogan set to discuss future of Greek-Turkish relations
By Selin Hacialioglu
May 12, 2024 11:04 AM

Greek PM Kyriakos Mitsotakis is scheduled to meet President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Ankara, aiming to bolster a historically complex relationship through renewed dialogue and cooperation

Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis is set to meet with President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Ankara on May 13, marking a significant moment in the often turbulent relations between Greece and Türkiye.

This visit is meant to reciprocate President Erdogan’s trip to Athens in December and symbolizes a renewed effort to forge a path of reconciliation and cooperation between the two countries.

Despite a history marred by disputes over Cyprus and migratory challenges through their waters, both leaders have recently shown a commitment to nurturing a peaceful coexistence.

In December, they signed a declaration promoting “friendly and good neighborly relations,” acknowledging the critical need for mutual respect.

However, recent events have tested these diplomatic ties. The most recent matter of debate was the conversion of Istanbul’s historic Kariye Museum, originally a Byzantine church, into a mosque, which has sparked criticism from Greece.

Economic ties, visa facilitation between Greece and Türkiye

The thaw in relations has also seen tangible benefits in economic and cultural exchanges. Following the easing of tensions, a new visa agreement was implemented, simplifying travel for Turkish citizens to Greek islands.

This policy has successfully tripled the number of Turkish visitors, bolstering economic ties and interpersonal exchanges.

Mitsotakis discussed the importance of these interactions while speaking to a Greek channel, “We cannot always have our finger on the trigger. It is better to talk,” indicating a shift towards more constructive engagement.

Both governments are now aiming to elevate their trade volume from $6 billion to $10 billion.

This goal is supported by the establishment of a Joint Business Council, designed to foster closer business relationships and encourage direct investments in sectors like construction, technology, and agriculture.

Diplomatic dialogue amid political challenges

The dialogue extends beyond economic issues, with both leaders navigating a complex political landscape influenced by upcoming European Parliament elections, potentially heightening nationalist sentiments.

However, Mitsotakis has remained steadfast in his approach, advocating for sustained dialogue over conflict, especially in today’s global climate of uncertainty.

The talks in Ankara will also address broader regional and international issues, such as cooperation in combating irregular migration and terrorism.

These discussions signal a broader scope of partnership and mutual concern for stability in the region.

Prospects and cultural cooperation between Greece, Türkiye

Looking ahead, Mitsotakis expressed optimism about the future of Greek-Turkish relations while speaking to Milliyet newspaper’s Ozay Sendir. “We owe it to the Greek and Turkish people and the next generations to continue on a constructive path,” he noted, emphasizing the role of leaders as stabilizers rather than antagonists in the region.

Moreover, cultural ties play a significant role in the bilateral relations. The recent tripling of Turkish tourists to Greek islands not only boosts local economies but also fosters greater understanding and appreciation between the two peoples.

Mitsotakis on cultural patrimony and dialogue

Mitsotakis has consistently voiced the need to maintain dialogue and respect for cultural heritage, seeing these as foundational to improving relations. “Channels of conversation must remain open,” Mitsotakis affirmed, advocating for constructive dialogue even when faced with provocations.

As Mitsotakis prepares for his visit to Ankara, the stakes are high, but so are the opportunities for advancing a positive agenda. Both leaders have the chance to solidify a new era of cooperation that could significantly impact the region’s stability and prosperity.

The upcoming meeting is not merely a diplomatic formality but a critical step toward deeper mutual understanding and respect. With both sides committed to a forward-looking dialogue, there is hopeful anticipation that this engagement will mark the beginning of a lasting, beneficial relationship.

Source: Newsroom

Last Updated:  Jun 3, 2024 4:18 PM