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Main opposition CHP mayor embarrasses party leader Ozel

Main opposition CHP mayor embarrasses party leader Ozel Esenyurt Municipality Mayor Ahmet Özer, at the International Eurasia Conference organized by Istanbul Esenyurt University, Esenyurt, Istanbul, May 22, 2024. (IHA)
By Newsroom
Jun 6, 2024 5:39 PM

The appointment of CHP Istanbul’s Esenyurt Mayor Ahmet Ozer’s brother-in-law to a municipal position is under scrutiny. Mayor Ozer confirmed his brother-in-law’s employment, stating that he works there and will continue to do so, not due to their family relationship, but because there were no other suitable candidates for the role.

During a council meeting at the Esenyurt Municipality, AK Party group deputy chairman Togay Coban questioned Mayor Ozer about potential familial appointments, including his son, sister, paternal cousin, and brother-in-law, at the municipality: “I won’t mention names. Allegations include the hiring of his private secretary’s son, his private secretary’s paternal cousin, a close protection relative, a distant relative from America involved in purchases, his brother-in-law in procurement, his sister, his son, and so on. We are unsure if these allegations are true. We didn’t want to believe them either. As Esenyurt’s situation is clear, we would appreciate an explanation on these matters.”

Özer clarified that only his brother-in-law is employed at the municipality and denied the other allegations: “All the information you provided is incorrect. Firstly, I don’t have five or six advisors; I have two. How can I manage a large municipality like Esenyurt with only two advisors? There will be two more, and then two more. As the mayor, I know how to manage without asking anyone. My brother-in-law is employed here, but not because he is my brother-in-law. He has previously served as a university general secretary and a hospital head manager. He works and will continue to work because I couldn’t find anyone else suitable for that field.”

What did opposition leader Ozel say about familial appointments?

As discussions continue regarding CHP Bursa Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Mustafa Bozbey appointing his sister-in-law and nephew to positions of authority at the municipality, similar reports emerged from Kirsehir and Balikesir about relative appointments.

Media reports indicated that CHP Kirsehir Municipality Mayor Selahattin Ekicioglu appointed his brother-in-law Hamza Cam and his brother-in-law Mustafa Orman as deputy mayors.

As discussions on nepotism within CHP continue, CHP Chairman Ozgur Ozel addressed the favoritism in newly elected municipalities, particularly in Bursa.

Ozel, who revoked the relative appointments identified in Bursa, Balikesir, Kirsehir and Yuregir, Adana stated on May 9:n”Regardless of how competent the relatives of deputies or mayors may be, we cannot justify such appointments in a place where the AK Party practices such nepotism. In a place where there is so much unemployment and poverty, such actions severely undermine the trust in CHP. We have no tolerance for this. We do not accept it under any circumstances. I am showing the strongest reaction. From now on, we will never allow it. The appointments need to be rescinded. Otherwise, we will do whatever is necessary within party regulations. I can forgive any mistake or error within the party. But we cannot turn a blind eye to nepotism, favoritism, and money-driven affairs at municipalities.”

Last Updated:  Jun 12, 2024 8:01 AM