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Landslide claims lives in remote Chinese village

By Yagiz Efe Parmaksiz
Jan 22, 2024 8:46 PM

A landslide in southwestern China leaves dozens dead and eight injured

A devastating landslide struck a remote and mountainous area in southwestern China on Monday, resulting in dozens of people buried and at least eight confirmed casualties.

The pre-dawn disaster unfolded in Zhenxiong County, prompting the evacuation of over 200 residents as the landslide buried 18 homes, according to state media reports. The current condition of the four people rescued remains unclear, as rescuers continue their efforts, facing the challenge of plummeting temperatures.

State broadcaster CCTV reported that eight individuals have been confirmed dead, with a total of four successfully extracted from the debris as of 5:30 pm (09:30 GMT). Two hundred rescue workers, along with numerous fire engines and equipment, have been deployed to the scene, striving to locate and save those still trapped.

As night fell and temperatures dropped, dozens were reported to be awaiting rescue, increasing the urgency of the situation, as noted by state news agency Xinhua. Rescue teams are employing a variety of tools in their search for survivors, with the harsh weather conditions adding complexity to their mission.

Eyewitness accounts shared with the media painted a picture of chaos and panic. One resident, speaking under a pseudonym, described waking up to parts of her ceiling falling on her head, initially mistaking the landslide for an earthquake. Another local reported a similar experience to the Beijing News outlet.

Social media circulated footage depicting emergency workers in orange jumpsuits battling the snow as they formed ranks outside a fire station. Images also showcased rescuers sifting through piles of collapsed masonry, revealing personal belongings amid the debris.

Chinese President Xi Jinping has called for “all-out” rescue efforts, emphasizing the need to quickly organize rescue forces to minimize casualties. In a statement, Xi urged comprehensive efforts to comfort the families of the deceased and resettle those affected by the disaster.

CCTV broadcasted an image allegedly showing a firefighter tirelessly working to extract a trapped villager from a home affected by the landslide. Despite the gravity of the situation, the local village head declined to comment, citing being too busy when contacted by AFP. The tragedy underscores the urgent challenges faced by rescue teams in the ongoing mission to save lives and provide support to the affected community.

Source: AFP

Last Updated:  Jun 3, 2024 3:06 PM