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Around 300 N. Korean workers arrive in Russia via train

Around 300 N. Korean workers arrive in Russia via train
By Newsroom
Feb 15, 2024 12:08 PM

North Korean workers arrive in Russia via train, sparking concerns over potential violation of U.N. resolutions banning overseas deployment

Earlier this month, an estimated 300 individuals believed to be North Korean laborers arrived in Russia via train, according to a South Korean expert’s statement on Wednesday.

The arrival of these workers near Vladivostok on Feb. 5 signifies the deepening cooperation between Pyongyang and Moscow.

Observers noted the workers disembarking from the train, identified by their attire and the presence of packages, leading them to be categorized as laborers rather than tourists or officials on diplomatic missions, as clarified by the Korea Institute for National Unification.

This group likely represents the initial wave of North Korean laborers that Pyongyang intends to send to Russia.

However, if confirmed, this action would contravene United Nations Security Council resolutions prohibiting the overseas deployment of North Korean workers. Resolution 2397, adopted in 2017, mandated that all U.N. member states repatriate any North Korean individuals earning income within their jurisdictions by the end of 2019.

Source: Newsroom



Last Updated:  Jun 3, 2024 4:20 PM