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WHO official reveals alarming underreporting of global COVID-19 deaths

WHO official reveals alarming underreporting of global COVID-19 deaths
By Ecehan Tanisik
Jan 13, 2024 11:27 AM

WHO’s Kerkhove reveals alarming global underreporting of COVID-19 deaths, with a staggering 10,000 monthly fatalities, 7 million reported deaths by December 2023, and an expected actual toll three times higher

In an interview, Dr. Maria Van Kerkhove, head of the fight against COVID-19 at the World Health Organization (WHO), revealed massive underreporting of COVID-19 deaths globally. 

Dr. Van Kerkhove stated that despite efforts to combat the pandemic, approximately 10,000 deaths per month are still occurring globally. Notably, more than half of the reported deaths in December came from the U.S., with Italy contributing 1,000 deaths. 

As of the end of December 2023, the reported death toll stands at more than 7 million worldwide. However, Kerkhove emphasized that the actual figure is undoubtedly higher. 

Kerkhove revealed that the WHO expects the actual number of COVID-19 deaths to be at least three times higher than reported. The staggering figure of 7 million deaths, she noted, is solely attributed to COVID-19, making it a truly astonishing global toll.

Comparing December data to November, the interview disclosed a 42% increase in hospitalizations and a 62% increase in ICU admissions. Kerkhove cautioned that with incomplete data for January and the impact of holiday gatherings, these numbers are expected to continue rising.

Despite seeing a smaller-scale impact than previous waves, Kerkhove stressed that Covid-19 remains a significant global health threat. The preventable burden of Covid-19 is now adding to the challenges posed by other respiratory diseases.

Source: Newsroom

Last Updated:  May 29, 2024 12:31 PM