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US reflects on Palestine’s bid to become full member of UN

By Selin Atay
Apr 4, 2024 1:16 PM

Everyone is saying ‘two-state solution,’ then what is the logic of denying us to become a member state?’ says Palestinian Ambassador to the U.N., Riyad Mansour

Ambassador Riyad Mansour announced that the Palestinian delegation to the United Nations is actively pursuing a vote to attain recognition as a full member state in the coming month, despite opposition from the United States.

We are seeking admission. That is our natural and legal right,” stated Mansour, emphasizing his intention to push for a vote at the Security Council on April 18.

“Everyone is saying ‘two-state solution,’ so what is the logic of denying us the right to become a member state?” he added.

Palestinians eye UN membership vote soon as US pushes back
Palestinian Ambassador to the UN Riyad Mansour (center), shown here with Yemen’s Ambassador Abdullah Ali Fadhel Al-Saadi and Algeria’s UN Representative Amar Bendjama, is pushing for a vote in the UN Security Council on April 5, 2024, to recognize his nation as an entire member state next month

Approval for UN membership necessitates a vote by the Security Council, where the United States and four other countries wield vetoes, followed by endorsement by a two-thirds majority in the General Assembly.

The quest for statehood was initiated when Palestinian President Mahmud Abbas applied in 2011. Although not considered by the Security Council, the General Assembly granted a more limited observer status to the “State of Palestine” the following year.

On Tuesday, the Palestinian Authority formally submitted a letter to UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres urging the Security Council to reconsider.

US opposes full Palestinian UN membership, stresses negotiations with Israel

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Matthew Alan Miller currently serving as a spokesperson for the United States Department of State, a position he has held since April 24, 2023

Mansour’s remarks coincided with the United States voicing opposition to full Palestinian membership earlier on Wednesday. State Department spokesman Matthew Miller emphasized support for statehood but insisted it should be pursued through direct negotiations with Israel.

“We support the establishment of an independent Palestinian state,” Miller affirmed. “That is something that should be done through direct negotiations through the parties, something we are pursuing at this time, and not at the United Nations,” he added.

Although not explicitly stating that the United States would veto the bid if it reached the Security Council, Miller highlighted Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s efforts to establish “security guarantees” for Israel as part of the groundwork for a Palestinian state.

Biden backs Palestinian state amid Gaza crisis

A boy carries items salvaged from the rubble of buildings destroyed during Israeli airstrikes in Gaza's Rafah refugee camp, on October 16.
A boy carries items salvaged from the rubble of buildings destroyed during Israeli airstrikes in Gaza’s Rafah refugee camp, on October 16

President Joe Biden’s administration has increasingly signaled support for a Palestinian state, particularly with a reformed Palestinian Authority governing both the West Bank and Gaza, as it seeks a resolution to the ongoing conflict involving Israel’s efforts to eliminate Hamas from the Gaza Strip.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has long opposed a Palestinian state and leads a far-right government with members hostile to the Palestinian Authority’s limited autonomy in parts of the West Bank.

‘We hope that they don’t pursue that, but that’s up to them’

Remarks by Ambassador Robert Wood, Alternative Representative for Special  Political Affairs, at a UN Security Council Briefing on Bosnia and  Herzegovina
Robert Wood serves as deputy director of Communications and Spokesperson at the U.S. Mission to the United Nations in New York City

Under existing U.S. legislation, funding to U.N. agencies would be severed if full membership is granted to a Palestinian state. While the law has been selectively applied, the United States halted funding in 2011 and subsequently withdrew from UNESCO, only to rejoin it last year under President Joe Biden.

Robert Wood, the U.S. deputy representative to the United Nations, warned that recognition of a Palestinian state by the U.N. would trigger funding cuts to the U.N. system, citing compliance with U.S. law.

“We hope that they don’t pursue that, but that’s up to them,” Wood remarked regarding the Palestinian bid.

Source: Newsroom


Last Updated:  May 28, 2024 5:28 PM