US congress approves sale of F-35 fighter jets to Romania

The U.S. Congress has approved the sale of 32 F-35 fighter jets to Romania, marking a significant boost to the country’s defense capabilities.
The deal, valued at approximately $7.2 billion, includes not only the aircraft but also engines, logistical support, and advanced training services.
The contract is expected to be signed in the near future, and if completed by the end of this year, the first F-35 jets are scheduled to be delivered by 2030.
The U.S. Department of State has already provisionally approved the sale, according to a Pentagon statement.
Romania to receive 32 F-35 jets as part of a $7.2 billion defense deal
“This proposed sale will support the foreign policy goals and national security objectives of the United States by improving the security of a NATO Ally that is an important force for political and economic stability in Europe,” the Pentagon noted in its announcement.
The proposed sale will improve Romania’s capability to meet current and future threats by further equipping it to conduct self-defense and regional security missions while enhancing interoperability with the United States and other NATO members. Romania will have no difficulty absorbing these articles and services into its armed forces.
The proposed sale of this equipment and support will not alter the basic military balance in the region.
The F-35, renowned for its stealth technology and advanced sensor integration, represents the first 5th-generation fighter jet available for acquisition by NATO members.
Romania will join the group of countries equipped with this 5th generation platform, which is expected to become the standard for NATO air forces.

First deliveries expected by 2031 under new defense program
Romania’s Ministry of National Defense welcomed the notification from the US Congress, citing the sale as part of Romania’s wider defense modernization efforts under the “F-35 Fifth-Generation Multi-Role Aircraft Program.
The acquisition of two squadrons of F-35A jets will significantly improve Romania’s ability to handle evolving security threats and contribute to regional defense efforts. The Romanian government emphasized that this move aligns with its NATO commitments and will bolster airspace sovereignty and defense against emerging challenges.
Sale to enhance Romania’s defense capabilities, NATO cooperation
The U.S. Embassy in Romania praised the agreement, noting that it would strengthen the strategic partnership between the two nations.
U.S. Ambassador to Romania, Kathleen Kavalec, commented: “This commitment is a testament to the strong partnership between our nations and once again demonstrates that Romania is a leader in regional security. The F-35 jets will provide Romania with unmatched air defense capabilities and enhance interoperability within NATO.”
The Pentagon added that Lockheed Martin Aeronautics, based in Fort Worth, Texas, will serve as the principal contractor for the deal.

F-35 capabilities
The F-35 fighter jet is equipped with cutting-edge stealth technology, advanced communications systems, and next-generation sensors.
Its capabilities will allow Romania to integrate seamlessly with NATO’s Integrated Air and Missile Defense System (NATINAMDS), providing air defense for both national and allied airspace.
Romania’s defense program also includes logistical support, flight simulators, and air-to-air and air-to-ground munitions, ensuring that the F-35s are fully operational upon delivery.
The initial phase of Romania’s defense upgrade plan aims to achieve full operational air capabilities with 32 multi-role aircraft, ensuring transition support with existing F-16s, which were acquired from Norway.
The acquisition of F-35A jets will mark Romania’s entry into the 5th-generation air warfare.