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UNRWA closure bid seen as attack on Palestinian refugee status

By Selin Atay
Apr 18, 2024 11:34 AM

UNRWA head defends the agency’s role and condemns ongoing attacks in Gaza by Israel since October 2023, asserting that calls for UNRWA’s closure aim to end the refugee status of millions of Palestinians

The head of the UN agency for Palestinian refugees, Philippe Lazzarini, addressed the U.N. Security Council on Wednesday, asserting that calls for the organization’s closure are aimed at “ending the refugee status of millions of Palestinians.”

UN Palestine Refugee Agency near brink of collapse, its head warns – Middle  East Monitor

Lazzarini emphasized UNRWA’s crucial role, particularly in Gaza, stating it serves as a stabilizing force in the region and coordinates vital humanitarian operations.

He condemned the ongoing attacks in Gaza, where Israel has continued its attacks since the Oct. 7, 2023 cross-border incursion by Palestinian group Hamas.

UNRWA is backbone of people in Gaza

The UNRWA chief stressed that “in Gaza, the agency is the backbone of the humanitarian operation, coordinating and providing lifesaving assistance. Beyond Gaza, it has championed human development for Palestine Refugees for decades across the region.” 

Highlighting UNRWA’s longstanding commitment to supporting Palestinian refugees across the region, Lazzarini warned of the detrimental impact of efforts to dismantle the agency.

Death Toll of UNRWA Personnel in Gaza Rises to 150 People

Saying that at least 178 UNRWA personnel have been killed by Israeli attacks since last October, Lazzarini demanded “an independent investigation and accountability for the blatant disregard for the protected status of humanitarian workers, operations, and facilities under international law.” 

The UNRWA chief also raised concerns about escalating violence in the occupied West Bank and criticized Israel’s imposition of arbitrary measures restricting the agency’s operations.

The agency chief said, “UNRWA’s operation space is shrinking, with arbitrary measures imposed by Israel to restrict the presence and the movement of stuff.” 

Calls for closure aim to end ‘refugee status of millions of Palestinians’ 

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The closure of UNRWA, he warned, would exacerbate the humanitarian crisis in Gaza and hinder long-term efforts to achieve stability and peace in the region.

Lazzarini said the remaining suspension of funding by some donors “has serious operational implication and undermine the financial sustainability of the agency.”

“Calls for UNRWA’s closure are not about adherence to humanitarian principles. These calls are about ending the refugee status of millions of Palestinians,” Lazzarini stressed.

Noting that “the agency exists because a political solution does not,” Lazzarini said the closure of UNRWA would deepen the crisis in Gaza.

Short-term consequences

UNRWA chief warns: 'man-made famine tightening grip' across Gaza - The  Jerusalem Post

“In the short-term, it will deepen the humanitarian crisis in Gaza and accelerate the onset of famine. In the longer-term, it will jeopardize the transition from cease-fire to ‘day after’ by depriving a traumatized population of essential services,” he said.

He warned that the inability to provide education could lead a generation towards despair, fueling anger, resentment, and endless cycles of violence, and said: “A political solution cannot succeed in such a scenario.”

Emphasizing the need for impartiality, Lazzarini noted that both sides suffer and deserve a peaceful and secure future. “I urge you to help realize this future through principled multilateral action and a genuine commitment to peace,” he added. 

Following Israeli accusations, several countries, including the U.S., U.K., and Australia, temporarily halted payments to UNRWA pending investigations, though some have since resumed contributions.

Established over 70 years ago by the UN General Assembly, UNRWA stands as the primary humanitarian entity in Gaza, serving as the cornerstone of aid efforts within the enclave. Its inception aimed to provide crucial assistance to Palestinians who faced forced displacement from their ancestral lands.

Source: Newsroom

Last Updated:  May 28, 2024 4:35 PM