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Scientists of the Turkic states convene in Baku to unify languages

Scientists of the Turkic states convene in Baku to unify languages
By Dogacan Basaran
May 12, 2024 3:16 PM

Prominent scientists of the Turkic world gather under the leadership of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences to discuss the transition to a common alphabet

President of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (ANAS), Academician Isa Habibbeyli, met with the heads of the International Turkic Academy and scientists from the Turkic world who were visiting our country as part of the second meeting of the Turkic World Common Alphabet Commission.

President of the International Turkic Academy, Academician Shahin Mustafayev, along with scientists from Türkiye, the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Kyrgyzstan, attended the meeting held at the ANAS Presidency.

Scientists of the Turkic states convene in Baku to unify languages

Academician Isa Habibbeyli, expressing his pleasure at hosting the guests at ANAS, provided an overview of the history of the International Turkic Academy, established in 2010.

He noted the expansion of membership over time, with Azerbaijan, Türkiye, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan being the current members, while Uzbekistan and Hungary hold observer status.

Highlighting the significant role of professor Darkhan Kydyrali, President of the International Turkic Academy, in its development, Academician Isa Habibbeyli mentioned that under the leadership of Academician Shahin Mustafayev, the Academy has entered a new phase of development, fostering relations with the Academies of Sciences and higher education institutions across Turkic states.

Academician Isa Habibbaylı underscored the historical significance of the meeting venue, emphasizing that the First Turkology Congress in February-March 1926 laid the foundations of Turkology in the large meeting hall of the ANAS Presidium building.

He noted the widespread discussions at the congress regarding the transition to a common alphabet for Turkic peoples, with 111 decisions made in favor and seven against.

Academician Isa Habibbeyli highlighted the realization of this transition over the past 100 years, attributing it to the efforts of the Organization of Turkic States and its leaders, which has united the Turkic world around a common alphabet.

“The transition to a common alphabet is crucial for the unity of the Turkic world and for realizing the ideals of the participants of the First Turkological Congress,” he emphasized.

Reflecting on the history of ANAS, Academician Isa Habibbayli noted the upcoming 80th anniversary of the Academy in 2025, highlighting its significant contributions to the development of science and intellectual thought in Azerbaijan, as well as its role in preserving national thought and the native language.

Scientists of the Turkic states convene in Baku to unify languages

Referring to the work carried out at ANAS within the framework of relations with the Turkic world, Academician Isa Habibbayli mentioned the translation of Mahmud Kashgari’s “Divani dictionary-it-Turkic” into Azerbaijani, completed between 1935 and 1937, and the preparation for printing of copies of the epic “Kitabi-Dade Korkud” from the Dresden, Vatican, and Gunband manuscripts, published by the Institute of Linguistics.

Professors from Ege University and renowned Turkologists Fikret Turkmen and Mustafa Omar, along with Academician Syrtbay Musayev from the National Academy of Kyrgyzstan, spoke at the meeting on topics such as the development of the Turkic world, Turkology, and the expansion of relations.

They presented their perspectives for consideration.

Subsequently, Academician Isa Habibbayli presented ANAS publications on the Turkic world to the guests, concluding with a group photo session.

Source: Newsroom

Last Updated:  May 31, 2024 5:36 PM