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No evidence Bolsonaro sought asylum in the Hungarian embassy, says Brazil’s Justice

No evidence Bolsonaro sought asylum in the Hungarian embassy, says Brazil's Justice
By Yusuf Ulucam
Apr 25, 2024 11:03 AM

Brazilian Supreme Court judge Alexandre de Moraes concluded the case on Wednesday regarding the possibility that former far-right President Jair Bolsonaro requested asylum at the Hungarian Embassy in February, citing the absence of evidence

Bolsonaro allegedly stayed at the Hungarian Embassy for two nights from February 12 to 14, following the confiscation of his passport as part of an investigation into a purported military coup conspiracy.

The judge’s written decision stated that no tangible evidence exists that the party under investigation intended to seek diplomatic asylum to escape the country and endanger the ongoing criminal investigation.

Bolsonaro’s presence at the embassy raised concerns that he may be attempting to seek diplomatic asylum to evade investigation into the coup plot and other criminal inquiries.

Bolsonaro stated that his choice to remain in his embassy was motivated by his desire to uphold his solid diplomatic ties with nationalist prime minister Viktor Orban, Bolsonaro’s political ally.

Moraes stated that Bolsonaro’s visit to the embassy did not contravene any precautionary measures imposed on him in a previous court order. These measures included prohibitions on contacting individuals accused of plotting a coup and restrictions on international travel, which also entailed surrendering all passports.

During the investigation into the coup plan, ex-commanders of the Brazilian army and air force informed the police that Bolsonaro had discussed the plan following his defeat in the presidential elections in October. They explicitly declined to participate in the plan.


Source: Newsroom


Last Updated:  May 31, 2024 8:14 PM