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Maduro vows not to leave Venezuela’s riches to fascists

Maduro vows not to leave Venezuela's riches to fascists Venezuelan President Maduro says dialog with the opposition has been cut because of the United States, Caracas, Oct. 18, 2021 (AA Photo)
By Anadolu Agency
Aug 13, 2024 10:08 AM

In a recent National Defense Council meeting in Caracas, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro declared that the country’s wealth will not be handed over to “fascists.”

Without naming specific opposition figures, Maduro criticized them and reinforced his commitment to maintaining control over Venezuela’s resources.

Maduro highlighted that security forces’ timely actions have managed to control recent violence. He remarked, “We will not surrender this country’s wealth to fascists, nor will we transfer political power to this fascist oligarchy.”

He stressed that, despite attempts to seize power through violence, his administration remains resolute and committed to protecting the nation’s assets.

Call for legislative action

The President also urged the National Assembly to enact laws imposing severe penalties on those responsible for inciting violence.

He criticized opposition leaders Edmundo Gonzalez and Maria Corina Machado, demanding accountability for those who incite and finance violence.

Recent elections

Venezuela’s presidential election was held on July 28, with Maduro securing a third term with 51.20% of the vote, according to the Venezuelan Electoral Council.

However, the opposition, which claimed that the results were manipulated, voiced strong objections immediately after the election was concluded.

Last Updated:  Aug 13, 2024 10:12 AM